the boy from heaven

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It's the first day back at school and nothing's changed, everyone is gathered in their "groups", there's the nerds, the goths, the wanna be's, the freaks, the jocks and of course the populars.

I'm Grace and this is my life, the normal  boring teenager life where everything happens in a routine, nothing exciting. I have two best friends Melissa and Rachel.

Melissa is supermodel material, the perfect body the perfect hair, lips, eyes , mouth. Everything about her is stunning and yet she's friends with me, she has long blonde hair that reaches her hips and ocean blue eyes that you could get lost in. Rachel is more casual yet she's still super skinny and toned at the same time. She has brown hair that reaches the middle of her back and emerald green eyes with a few freckles on her nose. These two girls are perfect and there stuck with me, I'm Grace your average teenager I have long blonde hair with greyish eyes no freckles no perfect body no tan, just me.

I go to school at GreyStone High in California. No brothers or sisters just me and my mum and dad, but they're always out at work anyway so it's the house to myself.

It's Monday morning and I'm back at school again, as I step through the front doors of the building I notice a girl, that I haven't seen before, stood beside my locker looking rather quite lost. Once I approached her I said "do you need help there", she turned around looking amazed and yet greatful at the same time, she asked me if I knew where the art building was and gladly took her to her first period class and told her she could hang about with us if she wanted and surprisingly she took the offer, now it's me, Melissa, Rachel and Amy this is sorta how we became a group of four bestfriends who would never leave each others side not for anything, well that's what you would think, right ?

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