Chapter 2: Celebrating

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Chapter 2: Celebrating

Lia's P.O.V.

"You sure unloaded the van pretty fast." I finally told Marie as we finished pulling the last of the boxes into our small dorm.

"Someone helped me out." It was quick but I saw it from the corner of my eyes, a little smile crept up on her face at the mention of this someone.

"It was a guy wasn't it?!" I teased her.

"No it wasn't."

"Marie I've known you as long as you've been alive don't try and deny that you like this guy, whoever he is."

"I don't." She humphed like a five year old having a tantrum.

"You smiled a little to much when you said someone. Now don't lie to me, what was his name?" I pushed for an answer.

"Jayk." She spoke clearly defeated.

"Aww." I cooed in an attempt to frustrate her even more.

"It was nothing really, he just helped me unload the desk and a couple of boxes." She spoke as she shrugged her shoulders

"And you didn't flirt? At all?"


"Are you sure?"



"Well he caught me staring at him if that counts."

"That's way too embarrassing how did you talk yourself out of that one?"

"I didn't actually." She laughed "But I got over it because he embarrassed himself too, so we're pretty much even."

"What did he do?" It must be pretty freaking funny by the way she's laughing like there's no tomorrow.

"He was sitting on one of your book boxes and it collapsed in." She literally had to stop talking to catch her breath. "And his entire butt was stuck in the box."

"Okay yeah that's a lot worse than you staring." I laughed along with her. This guy Jayk better not have ruined my books with his butt.

"Don't worry Lia your books are fine."

"Thank goodness." I let out a deep breath and laughed again.

"Let's go out tonight. We deserve to celebrate, I mean look at all of these boxes we just dragged in here." She spoke as she gestured to the amount of boxes we had stacked in the corner of our room.

"I don't know maybe we should unpack." The OCD part of me was dying to unpack every single thing in this room, separate and organize it. But another part of me really did feel like I deserved the break.

"Lia we can do that tomorrow, I have been driving all day I am about to collapse if I don't get food soon."

"Drama queen."

"Is that a yes?" She smiled looking over at me with those puppy eyes that you just couldn't even imagine saying no to.

"I guess but I'm showering first." I really don't want to go out, I'd much rather stay here and watch a movie or read. I still haven't finished The Great Gatsby. Who cares that I've read it a hundred times, I still love it.

"That's fine I want to take one too." She looked over at me satisfied that I agreed to leave the room.

It took about an hour and a half for us to take our showers and finish getting ready. And may I be the first to say that the group showers thing is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I think I may have a heart attack if I begin to think of all germs and fungi located on the bottom of those showers. Gross.

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