Chapter 3: The Accident

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Chapter 3: The Accident

Lia's P.O.V.

"Blake?" I questioned his as we finally made it to a spot on the beach where the cold water of the tide was hitting our feet. He held a blanket in one hand, but I didn't even think to ask him why.

"Yes?" He asked as he looked over at me, the moonlight illuminating the features of his face, and he was almost well, beautiful, I know its odd to say that about a guy but he's just above handsome, it seems like that word is so insufficient to use when describing him.

"How did you know I was in there?" I asked referring to the incident that took place earlier.

"I didn't."

"But then how..."

He quickly cut me off, mid sentence, "That's my room."

"Oh. I didn't know you were friends with Jayk?"

"I'm not. Well I mean I was but we aren't anymore. But I still pay him rent so he won't go through the trouble of kicking me out."

"What happened between the two of you? I could just see the tension between you guys back at the house."

"I don't want to talk about it." By the way he winced I could tell I had just hit a sore spot, and I didn't want to push him any further, so I walked along side him in silence. "That my favorite spot over there." He said pointing to a cove of rocks at the far end of the beach.

"Its beautiful." I replied. It was breathtaking, the moonlight reflecting off of the water and the waves lightly crashing into the rocks. It is just simply beautiful and almost peaceful.

When we finally reached the cove, it was even more amazing up close. I'm actually surprised that he brought me here, because I know if I were him I would hide out here from everything and everyone. It almost has a magical quality to it. So serene and quiet, just a place where you could ease your stress out with each wave that came and went. A place where your worries would wash away with the tide.

This is more like my scene. Actually this is my scene.

Not that stupid party.

The beauty of nature far better than drunken hook-ups and booze.

"You want a boost up?" Blake asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Up there?" I asked as I pointed to the largest rock, my eyes instantly widening at the height of it.

"Yes," He laughed softly. "Don't worry I've been up here thousands of times, and look I've never cracked my head open."

"Okay then." I said wearily as I approached the rock.

"You ready?" Blake spoke softy into my ear as he took one of my feet in his hand, ready to push me up when I gave him the okay.

I nodded and agreed with him, when in reality my nervousness was eating me from the inside out.

"Okay when I count to three jump with your other leg and I'll push you up." Again I nodded silently, I'm afraid that if I talk it will come out sounding like gibberish. "One. Two." I gulped. "Three." I jumped and he pushed me upward, surprisingly landing me on the top of the rock without a scratch.

Just as I started to admire the way the stars were so clear from this spot, something soft, and almost plush, hit my face.

The blanket.


"Did I hit you?" He asked with a soft laugh as he began to climb up the rock with such ease.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2014 ⏰

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