in which joe sugg falls in love with a girl he met online
"they told us speaking to people online would be the worst decision ever. But it was the best"
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joe_sugg- happy birthday to my watermelon aka madss, I hope you have a amazing day, thanks for all the crazy memories🤙🏼madsss._ [tagged madsss._] 397k likes 6,892 comments usernameone- awh my otp is beautiful #jadss usernametwo- 'watermelon' awhhhh madsss._- thank u pineapple usernametwo- pineapple I'm screaming omfff sydneycostello- so this is 'mads' ;) usernamethree- ^leave usernamefour- usernamethree I think she ships jads omg joe_sugg- sydneycostello bahahyeah, now answer my text! sydneycostello- Iam the mother not u!! madsss._ - joe_sugg you gonna reply to me?? usernamefive- it's obvious joe prefers syd over mads🤷♀️