Sophie The News Did A Report On You

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Sophie, the news did a report on you last night. Lots of people saw it. They think you did it for no reason. If you tell us why can make it seem like you're not the monster the news made you out to be.

Sophie this. Sophie that. Why do you have... Have to know why... I know I killed him. I know I hurt him. Why can't you just punish me and get it over with. Put me on death row. I deserve it more than anyone... Ha you know what's funny?

What Sophie?

Maybe when you pull the switch I'll feel something again.

Sophie.. I.. I'm sorry. If you're tired we can finish this tomorrow.

Why does... Does the news make me out to be a monster......

I don't know Sophie. They're just scared.

Oh... Okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow sir.

Goodbye Sophie. We'll continue this tomorrow.

Bloody Sophie bloody Sophie Where stories live. Discover now