Chapter 3 ~

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By the time they were getting ready to go, they all received their new schedules for the year. Everyone had four classes except those who were above. They only have two classes which included Alexis.

Jenna: "Ahhh! You are sooo lucky Ale!! How is it even possible?"

Alexis: "This is what happens when you don't skip classes just to see a boy."

Joshua: "If you want to look at boys, just look at me." he interrupted.

They all just giggled and made their way towards the front gate of the school. 

Jenna: "So did y'all hear about the first senior year party tonight? Please tell me you did because we have to go!" 

Joshua: "I think I did. Isn't it at Jun's house? I heard he volunteered his house since his parents went on a trip, again, out of the country so they won't be back until next week." 

Alexis: "You guys go ahead and have fun. I need to get going."

Sana: "Nooo sweetie why? You have to come with us. Didn't you hear? It's the first party! We have to start off the year right."

Alexis: "I have to go and look for a part time job. Especially since I'm going to be getting out early." 

Joshua: "Come on, they are right. We'll help you find a job tomorrow. Let's just enjoy tonight before you start getting busy and stop spending time with us."

Alexis: "You know that won't happen but fine! I'll go but with one condition. You guys need to get me something to wear because y'all know that my options are minimum at home." 

Soon enough, they headed home their separate ways expect for the girls. They went to go help Alexis find something nice to wear for tonight. 

The night arrived sooner than what they expected. Everyone was wearing what seemed like casual clothes but with a higher touch of style. Sana was wearing a white skirt with a striped long sleeve shirt that was about two sizes bigger than her usual size since she loved her fashionable 'baggy' style. On the other hand, Jenna wanted to stay with her 'fit' style which included a fit cotton crop top that was burgundy as well as a pair of light blue ripped jeans. Joshua decided to go with a button up shirt that was light blue with darker blue small dots as well as a pair of jeans. Sana and Jenna dressed up Alexis with a white crop top, a pair of high waisted black jeans with a flower kimono.

At the door was Jun who was welcoming everyone to the party.

Jun: "Hey guys! I'm glad y'all made it! Please make yourselves at home. 'Mi casa es tu casa'" he said to them.

Jun's house was bigger than what everyone thought it would be. His was was not two stories but three stories with it's own ballroom where the party was being hosted. Inside the ballroom was food catering from the finest restaurant in town as well as very own bar and the DJ for the night. Everyone seemed so pumped and excited for the party. You could already see some people dancing and having fun.

Jenna: "This is actually a nice place." she commented.

Joshua then extended his hand towards Sana and asked, "May i have this dance my lady?"

Sana chuckled and declined his offer and headed for a cup of water.

Joshua decided to head towards Alexis and asked her as well, "How about you my lady? Would you like to dance with this handsome young boy?"

Alexis: "Uhhh.. sure but just one dance." 

Joshua: "That's fine with me my lady, I'll make the best of it and enjoy it to the fullest."

The atmosphere seemed pretty chill. They had dimmed down the lights and the DJ had his own set of colorful lights that he had on flashing around the dance floor. For a DJ, he sure was good with mixing different genres of music and not messing up the vibe. As for the bar, everyone seemed to be enjoying the drinks that they were being served by the bartender. From cocktails to margaritas and water for those designated drivers of the night.

After Alexis and Joshua finished dancing, they went in search of the others. They managed to find Sana so they headed towards her.

Sana: "Nice dancing you guys. Especially when Alexis stepped on you Joshua about two times," she laughed.

Joshua: "Tell me about it but it was worth it for just one dance with my lady." he replied with a smirk.

Alexis: "Shut up before I step on you again. Sana have you seen Jenna?" she asked.

Sana: "She most likely went in search for a cute dude. You know she is." 

Sana was actually right. After what she said, they all turned around and saw Jenna with a tall handsome boy that they didn't know or ever met. Apparently it seemed that Jenna met him alright. They were dancing too closely for two bodies that just met that same night.

This was the bad thing that Alexis didn't like about Jenna.Her focus would constantly remain on just boys, boys, and boys. Even after her parents grounded her for failing a class, that class that she skipped last year just to meet up with a boy. She didn't date every single one. It was just the lucky ones that could completely wrap her around their finger. Alexis has talked to her about this several times and Jenna always says, "It's nice having a man by your side. Especially when you don't have one at home. I don't know. I guess I just miss that feeling that I never felt but knew I had." 

Her dad died when she was around two years old in a car accident. I guess you can say that the accident her dad had is the main reason for many of her issues. She's not the type of person to show when she's sad or not feeling well. She especially doesn't like talking about her feelings. Alexis and Jenna became best friends in elementary when one of them stole the other's cookie from their lunch box. It was a weird encounter that led to a relationship of years. Everyday after school, the would hang out at Alexis' house since Jenna's mom would work all day. Only her close friends know this much about her. They all know what she's been through and they always try to help her in any kind of way. Although it does get to a point where they don't know how to help her.

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