Chapter 1

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I wake to a loud thud up above me. Another and another. The thuds eventually stop and turn into a tiny pitterpatters like a gentle rain against the window. I peer through the window, but it's as normal as ever. More thuds are followed by the pitter patter and everything stops so suddenly. I freeze, I know somethigns wrong I hop out of bed and run towards the stairs to find a young girl around 14 or 15 , the same age as me motionless. She lies flat on the stairs soaked in a clear liquid not blood but its not water either, it drips of her slowly onto the floor. I step over her terrified and tread towards upstairs where she ran from to her death I think.

As I walk silently up the stairs, I notice the pings I was hearing early to be coming from the bathroom sink. The handles are stained in a deep red blood and the water that continues to drop out is tinted pink. The sight of it sickens me, but I keep walking past the bathroom. As I come up to an open door I see a young boy sitting on the chair. Laughing, laughing hysterically at the sight outside the window. I lean over to see what he's laughing at and I realize we're not alone anymore. Cop cars, ambulances, and fire truck surround the house and just as a officer approaches the door he stops, the man holds his throat gasping for air, he is choking and trust me by the looks of things he doesn't look like he's going to make it. The paramedics rush over to his side and throw him on a stretcher, into the car and to the hospital. And by the time they leave another officer comes up to the door everyone fears so much now and knocks. He doesn't choke on his breath like the first one, but he just simply knocks. Odd, right I know. The door slowly creaks open and the man walks into the dark empty house with no one following. Bad move, bad move. As I watch to see what both the boy and officer do, I see the door fling shut and the others panic as they try to open the door that is not budging. How ever the officer in side looks too confident with what he has accomplished so far and the boy looks furious with him. As the boy taps his fingers against the window sile that soft pitterpatter starts again and the officer looks frightened.

" 'Where are you? Who are you? What are you and what are you doing?' "

He was very frantic for answers, but of course the boy stayed absolutely silent. I was about to say something, but then he looked up at me and I froze his eyes we're a beautiful glassy gray and they glared at me furiously giving me that one warning if I say anything I'm done for it. So I sat perfectly still and silent while the officer repeated everything over and over again. After awhile he got bored and the man dropped to the floor silently and the door flung open blowing a gust of wind into the dusty house with rays of light. Some of them race to them man clasped on the floor and others ran up the stairs towards us. The boy grabbed me, went down the dumbwaitor into the kitchen and we ran out the back. I don't know what he was thinking of at this point, but while everyone was in the house he set the cars and the house itself on fire. Really on fire! This kid is insane why in the world and how could he start the house on fire.

As the night longs on we continue to run out of the city and past the small towns outside it. I have no idea where we're going but we continue to run. Hours past and by the time we stop at a creepy broken down train satiation and sit on a crumpled bench. He turns toward me and tilts his head like he's confused on why I'm here with him, but it also confuses me because he brought me with him for some reason.

"Why are you following me. It doesn't make sense."

"I didn't follow you, you basically dragged me here with you."

"No I didn't I don't even know who you are nor do you know who I am."

Know that he mentions it he didn't bring me here with him I followed him because I didn't want to be blamed for his crime. I remember him running toward the dumbwaiter leaving me to take the fall and I ran down the stairs to the backyard where I saw him burn the house and cars. Then I follow him so I wouldn't get caught or thrown in jail. And we landed up in this run down train station. He faces the opposite direction away from me and let's out a sigh.

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