Chapter 1: Having a Break

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"Look at you, did you just came out of your grave?" Josh said putting his phone down.

"Could you just be quiet, I'm not in the mood today" I said and walked past him.

"Uhhhh, someones moody" He said with a smirk on his face. "Did someone's date didn't go out well?"

Ignoring him, I walked over to my desk, which was next to his office space.
Every office here has a space for two workers. A simple little room with two desk's, two chairs, two shelves and enough papers, to build up a huge tree with it.

Josh has a office space for two just for himself. And THAT has two reasons.
1. He's the son of my boss
2. literally no one can handle 20 minutes alone with the biggest and hugest gossip boy from this whole country!

I get paid a little bit more to stay next to the office from Josh. Although he sometimes can be a burden to someone with his behavior, I somehow managed it to stay here since I need more money and this is the only way to get it without my mother noticing it.

The woman who shared the office with me, left a week ago, due to pregnancy. Yes, I know that these informations are none of your business and not interesting at all, but I just wanted to make a few things clear. Even if it includes some unuseful informations like that. I picked up my papers, sighed and looked back at Josh, who was arguing with someone over the telephone.

Same happenings, same endings. Nothing changed. Everyday... It was always like everyday... How did I endured this till today?

So now to the introduction:
My name is Holly, Holly Beckett. Really not the best name, but somehow in a unique way better than some other names I was proud not being named for. I think, my parents wanted to be extravagant with their first and only child. I don't hate it, even with the fact, that I got called Holy bucket in my school days, which ruined the relationship between me and my name... And that's actually just a part of the things, I dislike! So let's get to the point, shall we?:

I'm working at a Call Center. Not the best job if you hate humans like me. The funny thing is, I have to deal with every kind of them.
The nagging ones, bored ones and the ones, who has no clue with anything in their lives. Now you might ask, why I'm working in a place like this, while I don't like to have anything to do with humans, right?
I mean, I understand that you are questioning this and I'm going to be nice enough to tell you the reason:

Actually... No, I'm not and I have a lot of work to do.

Sooo, long story short:
I was too lazy to apply to any kind of job and now I'm sitting here, next to the room where the popular bitchy Josh is sitting.

Right, Josh!
Don't keep him out of the eye Holly!
Turning around to check out what he was doing, I wasn't surprised that he didn't worked again. Everyday, every hour or even every free seconds he has, are used to check out his mobile phone. 

'What does it feels like to be popular? What if I become one day popular too?, do I still feel lonely then too?'

"As if I would find that out, especially in the situation that I'm in! My whole. flipping. life!" I thought, not noticing, that I spoke it out loudly. I've never had a mobile phone. And I'm always questioning myself, why everyone is so addicted with it. Always smiling and chatting with someone. Don't they get bored after chatting so much?!

'Actually... Having a little computer in your bag, must be really cool. I mean, you can do everything with it!' But being addicted to it doesn't sounds welcoming at all!-

"DO YOU JUST SAID SOMETHING?!" Josh screamed through the room, rolling his chair right next to me. "If it's something about Jessica, tell me. I promise you I'll tell it to no one! Oh, hold on, I'll bring you some coffee!-"

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