Chapter 4: Disaster

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There is no luck to hold onto,


My life has ended too,


Actually not now but I'm about to....

Since I've been so productive right now, I might spend my last minutes with making my situation into a bit funnier one:
So apparently the utterly emotionless Darth Vader started to sprint away and I was staring at his impressive back like a maniac, trying to figure out what was going on, while a female voice was repeating:


And then, she said something, that led me to think about my beautiful and marvelous life, that would be thrown into a bin in just minutes. Do you feel the irony? I do...



Then I started to run,


should I say jog?  I know it's really not the time for jokes, but I've never been good at sports. Since I didn't knew where to go, I followed Darth Vader and tried to keep up with him. And one thing is for sure: keeping up with the Kardashians is a lot easier, than keeping up with Sonic himself... I don't know how much time passed, since we were running through the jungle like forest, but I can surely say: today I'm going to have a really gooood sleep!

The beach is by now far behind us and we reached a small alley with a lot of small huts.
People screamed everywhere and tried to take as much stuff as they could with them. Kids were crying and trying to help their parents. They started to run and shout out words, I didn't and couldn't understand because I myself, was busy enough with running through the crowd to save my own life. Should I tell you a fun fact? I saw a few videos on how to survive a coming Tsunami.  First of all: After the sirenes went on you only have a few minutes to find a place to be safe.The first option was to stay on a roof from a robust building. Which is impossible to find here between all the small huts. The second option was to climb up a hill.

And what do you think we did?

Yeah, climbing up on a flipping hill! Why do I even make a fuss about it?
I don't even have another chance! So dear legs, be prepared for a HELLA lot of pain. I love you, but let it be a little painless for me okay? In exchange I'm giving the both of you a really good sleep.


"Hmmpf...., Hmmmmpff....," were the only things, that came out of me till we reached the top of the hill. Not to mention, that I was sweating like a bear! After we reached the top I throwed myself onto the ground.  "Ahy thinkh Ahy juhst lost 10 khilos" I was panting like a horse.


Looking up I saw Darth Vader looking back at the beach.
How...? Just how can he stay so calm after running and climbing up a flipping hill???
What kind of human looks all calm and normal after running away from a coming Tsunami? He's not even sweating at all!! This is insane y'all, this can't be real!                                                      Following his gaze, I saw the Tsunami hitting the shore. It's really high up here and we had a good view to the town below us. Good is not the right word, for the situation we're going through right now.

The wave was atleast five to six meters high and was destroying and pulling everything with him. Not to mention the people that had tried to take some stuff with them...                                              We both were silent for a long time. None of us moved for even a second.

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