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Let me go back, Hi! My name is Maria Balts Marks, a twentie eight year old whose only education is gambling and charisma. I know, I'm a fabulous- no I can't cuss can I? Karma comes along when I curse, it sucks. How do I survive? Gambling and drinking, a little drinking. I had ten million dollars in gambling money and one day some f-udger.... Decided it would be a good idea to steal my card and try his own luck. I only have about five million left in my bank and that is to pay rent. That....Biscuit eater. He took my card from me and said "I'm going to cash in your win Ma'am." Ma'am my butt.... anyways I was having a frustrated day but still. He thought he could just steal my luck through my lucky card? What an idiot.

I have been stolen from before but I managed to take the card back before they could go past 10 thousand but I was being generous. He managed to hack into my phone and everything, smart but still and idiot. Now he owes me 10 million dollars in gambling money and an extra 1 thousand for teaching him my secrets. Yes you read correctly, this dude wants me as his teacher. I swear when I'm done I'm going home and staying home, maybe even mooch off of him but still.

Now something to say about me right now, I am an excellent sleeper just not a walker, I have a session today about the whole gambling business. My list is super simple and as follows: go in, crap on people's day, grab the money, transfer money, and leave the smoke filled place to its own demise. Now this may seem as the simplest thing ever but it's not. There is a mini list, it's too long to really consider so that is why I never truly wrote it down. Sadly, I must either one, transfer money to gamble, or two, I dig around in my pocket, get the hacking code for one of the machines, and finally get some money. Yup worst plan ever but I know just the place, horrible security.

I got in the car and waited for my 'student' to get in the car, heck I even brought up the GPS! Im such a spoiling Teacher. He finally got in the car and adjusted everything like an idiot who just got his driver's license last friday and started the car.

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