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I was such a young happy loving girl. But that all changed. my moms dead and my dad abuses me. I get bullied pushed around and I...well I have abosolutely no one...

I have scars all up my arms,thighs, hips and stomach

I have bruises everywhere

I have two eating disorders...

Lets just say I hate myself and everything about me.

*present day*

I pulled my sleeves down over my hands. I walked out the house and fortunatly I wasnt caught by my dad. I walked down the street to my new school. I knew it would be even worse than before. As I walked toward my new huge school I took a deep breath "okay diana...itll be ok..." I said reasurring myself. I walked into the huge building and caught a few glances.  Then the bell rung. The halls were cleared almost instantly.

I walked into the front office to see a grouchy old lady "young lady! What are you doing here! Youre late to class!" She yelled "umm...im the new student...my names diana..." I said biting my bottom lip she murmured a few things under her breath and handed me a few things "registration sheet, schedule, locker combonation, and school ID" she said as she placed them in my hand and I walked off. After situating myself with my locker I walked to science class room.203 the teacher,mrs.sosbee, looked at me "yes?" "um im the new student here...im diana " I said once again. "ok diana you can sit at that table" she said pointing to a table which contained a blonde haired blue eyed boy and another brown haired boy which had an arrow tattoo on his arm "ok...." I said taking the seat between them "hi im niall" the blonde one,niall, said "these are my mates,liam, louis, harry, and zayn" he said pointing to.four guys which contained three behind me and the other one next to me "um hi im diana..." I said, I have to admit..these 5 boys are kinda cu- "okay class get in groups..no more than six" mrs.sosbee interupted my thoughts "hey diana! Want to work with us?" Liam.spoke up "umm sure..." I said sounding not 100% sure. "ok lets go." Niall said taking my hand and dragging me out of class to the library zayn carried 6 large textbooks over to the table we were currently sitting at "so tell me about yourselves..." I said looking at the 5 lads...

I think I have a new friendship coming....

diana... (a 1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now