chapter 2

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"hey diana.." Liam spoke up, he sounds nervous... "yeah liam?" I asked "well do you...maybe...want to come over later?"he asked and the boys looked at me "uh..sure" I put on a bright smile and the bell rung and everyone scurried out of the classroom.

~one walk home later~

"ok diana...time to get ready" I said to myself. "you have one hour and a half to get ready before dad comes home." I added. I quickly took a shower and brushed my teeth. I walked to my closet to find something to wear. I picked out a black floral print dress that went to my mid-thigh. I topped it off with some white flowry keds and a flower crown. Next was my hair. I just curled it and then started with my make-up. I went for a simple style and made it have that 'naked face' type thing.

"ready." I stated.

Then I walked to there house and knocked on the door. "diana!" Liam and niall yelled answering the door I just giggled as they let me in and sat on there couch "wow....diana you look beautiful" niall stated causing me to blush and I looked down when I saw my cut up wrists and I cursed under my breath. How can I forget about that?! "something wrong" liam asked looking concerned "oh im n-" I was interuppted by zayn louis and harry racing down the stairs "diana!" They shouted I jusy laughed "hey guys"i said "diana? Do you want to stay for dinner?" Zayn asked. They all looked at me with pleading eyes. "oh...uhm..sure.." I said I would feel horrible if I said no and then zayn and louis began arguing whether or not they should order chinease food or pizza "fine lets ask diana!" Louis should "whoa why does everything come back to me?!" I said playing around. they both looked at me waiting for an answer "maybe we should just have pizza...its simple and easy" I said simply and then zayn laughed "aha! Yes!" He said,it was obvious he felt successfull. Then niall sat by me.

"um hi nialler" 

"hey love" he said hand and when he did he saw my scars and he looked at me then to the guys" and diana needs some time alone" he stated and pulled me up to his room...

diana... (a 1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now