Tapping Into the Multiverses

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1 month later...

Tray, you're a disgusting creature with a perverted mentality.

Me: Computer. Open containment pod E-1.

Computer: Opening containment pod E-1, Mr. Bradford.

I teleport and catch her. Crap!!! How do I wake her up!?!?!? There's got to be some psychic version of me out there. I focus.

Gill: ...huh? Why are you carrying me?

Me: Let me explain what's happened over the past month.

One long explanation later...

Gill: And you helped me why?

Me: ...You remind of someone I know. Call it a sentimentality.

Gil: Well I'm glad you met that person.

Me: Yeah... me, too.

Neverending Adventure (Minecraft) Part 3Where stories live. Discover now