Trying to Catch Up

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2 months later...

Me: No you don't you stupid ghast!

Gill: I got him!

Me: Nice shot, Gill. I really hate how ghasts fly over the pressure plates.

Gill: So THAT'S how they got in.

Neda: Of course, you four- eyed nimrod.

Me: Don't call my fiancé a nimrod or a four-eyes. Also, how Uncle Brian doing?

Neda: What!? How did you know! Do you know our plan!?

Me: Earthquake in 3... 2... 1...

There it is. I get up and punch Herobrine, causing me to absorb him. Let's get out of here.     

Neda: Fools!!! You don't know the back-up plan.

Me: You mean your cousin, Onether? Yes I do. Aden,focus so we can open a breach to home.

Home sweet home. We're through the portal. Aden passes out. He wakes up. We have our respective seizures. This time, I get devouring swarm. I get up use my Undertale dad's (Sans') chronokinesis(control or manipulation of time [showed in the "talking flower" scene]) stop time and gaster blast them all. I unpause time. I explain everything to them, get married, and wait for Halloween.

Me: So now, Aden, what you're going to do is, take your knife and you're going to do very fine cutting to get rid of the strands hanging down.

Aden: Done. You know, Connor, you always seem to know what's going to happen in advance, which is weird because I felt a weird sense of deja vu when I met you.

Me: I can guarantee, the spot on predictions are stopping now.

I won't ask much, but my one question is... D̰͙͖̝̬̩o̱̜ ̧̲̳̟͈̩͙y̱̰̪̱͉̘̞ơ̦͔u̻̦͓̯̦̯ ̯̺̳̀a̶̙̺̬̻ͅc̝̻͇̻̳̟ͅt̤̩̭̲̰̕u̼̭̼a̻̬͓̟͈l͓͘l͔̤̹͘y̨͈̭̜̣̜̬ ̣̣͙̣͔͘t̨̳̗͈̮̯̘h̶͕͈̠i̦ṉk͙̗̼̙͔̜̫͢ ̥̟͎̦̱̜t͎̱h҉̟̦a̵̭͉̮̩t̠͇͈͔͕͉̳͢ ̣̙̳̩̤̜͍̕ỳ̞̜̞̠ͅọ͔͉̺̮̬̪ù'̫r̰͇͖̝ͅe̩̫ s͓̤̜̠̺͠l͔̣̖̳͍̟̺͡i͉c͎̜̼̳̼̝̩͢k̕?

Me: What?

Aden: How?

Me: It's a long story.

Herobrine: Connor, help. I've been in your body for too long. I'm fading. I'm fading.

Me: Herobrine... His power's still with me but... he's gone... he just disappeared... Onether your father is dead.

This is the longest chapter I've ever written. I comes in at 332 words! Yay, right. It took a while.

Neverending Adventure (Minecraft) Part 3Where stories live. Discover now