Chapter 1

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August POV

I wake up in the middle of the night because I had a bad dream. I look at the clock its 4:00 am. Knowing that I wasn't going to go back to sleep. I thought that I might just get ready to take my mind off things. Today was the first day off school and it is my first day of high school. I'm not really looking forward to knowing that I was just going to see my bully Aaron and all he is going to do is use me as his punching bag all year. I get in the shower make sure the water is just right. I was in the shower for about an hour until I got out. It was already 5:00 by now so I knew it was going to be enough time for me to get ready because I have to be to school by 7:30 am. I get dress wearing black skinny jeans with holes in them an the knees and a white shirt I the throw over my favorite  BTS hoodie. By time I was done it was 5:30 am and I had 20 minutes before my brothers got up so I on my phone reading wattpad. I've been reading for about 20 minutes until I hear my older brother Blake alarm ring. Blake wakes up the twins first then he comes into my room.

"Hey August it time...." Blake said now fully opening the door now realizing I'm already wake.

"Augie Why are you already up?" asked Blake in a soft voice.

"Nothing Just felt like I would get ready early." August said giving Blake a shrug . Half of it wasn't a lie I did want to get ready early but the reason why i was up was because of my dream. Blake then walked out the room. I went back to ready on wattpad and I was on their for another 20 minutes until I went down stairs. When I went down stairs Blake was cooking and Jacob and Noah was talking.

"Hey" I said in a quiet voice but loud enough for them to hear me.

"Hey Augie." They all said at the same time. I sat down at the table and Blake but a plate of pancakes and eggs.

"I'm not really hungry." I said to Blake.

"You have to eat." Said Blake sternly.

"I'm not hungry."I said arguing back.

"Eat." Blake said getting a little angry.

"I'm not hungry!" I yelled pushing the plate across the table and stomped upstairs to my room. I heard Blake calling after me but i just ignored him. After I slammed my room door shut Blake started knocking on the door.

"August open this door right now!" Blake yelled. I got up and opened the door not wanting to make my brother anymore angry.

"Go downstairs and eat now." Blake said angry.

"But I'm not hungry." I said getting annoyed.

" I don't care if your not hungry you haven't ate anything at all yesterday and I let that slide so know you go down stairs and eat!" Blake yelled

"I don't care just leave me alone!" I yelled. I went downstairs and grabbed my book bag and left out the house. Well looks like I'm walking to school today.

-At school-

When I got there I saw Aaron near the entrance with his little crew I tried to go inside with out him seeing me but it was too late .

"Hey August how are you doing." Aaron said placing a hand on my shoulder and squeezing it with a smirk on his face. digging his nails into my skin I can feel that is about to bleed.

"What do you want?" I asked Aaron.

"Ohhh....nothing much." Aaron said then punching me in my stomach. That's going to leave a bruise. Then Aaron just walked away with his group of friend following behind him. I got up and headed to my locker. When I was walking towards my locker I saw Ryan and Josh. When they saw me they started walking towards me.

"Hey Augie you okay?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I lied so they won't know that something is wrong.

"I mean you did kinda yelled at Blake." said Josh

"I don't know I was just in a bad mood ok." I said in a annoyed way not knowing why I was annoyed.

"Are you okay." Josh said serious now.

"Yeah, I said I'm fine."Still looking at the ground still annoyed but still not knowing why I was.

"Hey look at me you know you can tell me anything right?" Josh said in a softer tone then before.

"Yeah I know." I said still looking at the ground.

"Okay bye Augie see you at lunch." Josh said still with a worried look on his face and him and Josh walked away. After stopping at my locker I headed to my first period class. That was math I sat in the back of the class and put my hoodie up a laid my head on the desk. I don't even pay attention in class but i still manage to get good grades. When the bell ranged I got up and went to my second class and that was art. I actually like art so I did my work. All the rest of my classes was boring so I didn't even pay attention.


I walked to the cafeteria but got stopped by Aaron.

"What do you want can't you just leave me alone for the first day." I said not in the mood to deal with this.

"What I thought we was friends Augie?" Aaron said pretending to be hurt then he punched me in my arm.

"I'm not done with you." Aaron said then walked away. My arm was hurting so bad I can already feel it bruising. I continued to walk towards the cafeteria and saw Ryan and Josh standing outside the cafeteria doors I guess they was waiting for me.

"Wasss up bro." Ryan said punching me playfully in the arm but in the same spot Aaron did. I winced in pain.

"You okay I didn't think I hit you that hard." Ryan said worried.

"Yeah I'm okay." I said rubbing my arm.

"Let me see." Josh said pulling up my sleeve of my shirt. His face turned into angry.

"Ryan look what you did!" Josh yelled.

"I didn't even hit him that hard!" Ryan yelled back then the both looked at me.

"August who did this to you." Josh said still angry. 

" one." I said pulling my sleeve down.

"August stop lying to us." Ryan said. 

"It doesn't matter ok I'm fine one did it." I said walking away.  

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