In Which Derek is a Genius

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Stiles get the text when he is lying in his bed flipped over on his stomach. He was supposed to be reading over the notes he took in bio today but he kept getting distracted by texts from Issac. But this text, he got, wasn't particularly from Issac. It was from a number Stiles didn't know or recognize but he opened it anyway as it read,

From: Unknown

You want pizza?

Stiles hesitates before answering, thinking the only person this could be is Derek so he replies with a simple yes then saves Derek's number in his phone. Because when was he ever known to pass up pizza and if Derek was in a mood to be friendly toward him then he was going to take advantage of it.

Stiles sits up from where he is and decides to take a quick shower before Derek gets here. When he's out, he throws on some sweats and a hoodie. He sees that he's got three unread messages and starts to think they're from Derek but it was Issac again. He continues to argue with Stiles that Captain America is better than Thor. And in Issac's words, hotter too. Even though Stiles wasn't gay, he was sure that Chris Hemsworth is way hotter than Chris Evans.

When he sits on his bed, he notices that Derek left his computer open, that sat right across from him. Stiles doesn't mean to be nosey but he is very curious so he clicks it to find it unlocked when the screen lights up.

Derek was a very mystery person. They didn't talk much so what Stiles did next was for his own safety. Well that's what he told himself, he wanted to make sure Derek wasn't some serial killer because he could totally be one. Especially with the strength and the fact that he never smiles. Derek just genuinely looks like he could murder someone, with the stern face and he always looked serious.

Stiles smiles at his wallpaper. It's a picture of his family but it's not a recent one. It's an old one, Derek looks really young in it, maybe 13 or 14 years old. They are at a baseball game. Derek's baseball game actually as he was in uniform holding a trophy in front of him. He was smiling from ear to ear and even back then Stiles decided that Derek was good looking. And he couldn't look away. Derek was smiling and he looked so happy. It was actually really adorable.

Next to him stood a younger Cora and another girl who looked like an older Cora, Dean Hale and her husband, and  professor Peter Hale.

Stiles admired the photo for a few more seconds before opening his Internet where he had two tabs already opened. Stiles is stunned with what he sees. It's Derek's grades online and Derek has an A in every single one of his classes and they are all honors classes. Stiles sits there and stares with his eyes bugged for a whole five minutes before he comes to a reasonable conclusion.

Derek was the son of the Dean and the professors must know that and passed him so they wouldn't get fired. That had to be the only reason because Stiles knows. He knew that Derek didn't do his work or take time to study so there was no way Derek could of made those grades with his habits.

The next tab is Derek's email. Stiles knows emails are meant to be personal but he clicks the tab anyway. Because one is already open and Stiles eyes start to read it before he can stop himself. It was from a person that went by the username of SexyDes and Stiles couldn't help but think of a cocky guy when he read the name. The message read:

I really miss u Der xx

Stiles assumed that it was from one of his careless bangs but when he clicked on it, there was a lot of messgaes. Messages Derek had sent to this guy too. Messages you wouldn't send to someone you were just casually fucking.

It almost looked like Derek was in love with this guy and it made Stiles feel uneasy so he clicked out of it and the Internet altogether. Derek had mentioned a boyfriend when they first meet but all Derek said was decent and that it ended badly. It made Stiles wonder.

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