Chapter 7: More Drama

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Mariana's Pov:
The rest of the day flies by and I run out of the school not even bothering to wait for Jason. I run all the way home. I pace around my room trying to calm my self down. It doesn't work. Tears start flowing down my cheeks as I hear the front door open. I hear the sound of Jason's Nike's hitting the ground before he starts walking around, calling my name. He gets to my room and knocks on the door before slowly opening it.
"No!" I shout a bit too loud. He hesitates with the door barely open. "I mean I'm changing don't come in." I say a bit more controlled. I hear a quiet "oh." then the door closes. I let out a sigh of relief then scream as the door suddenly flies open. My eyes widen and I quickly turn around so he can't see my tear stained cheeks or red puffy eyes. Unfortunately J is a little too good at knowing when I'm upset. He walks over to me, gently turning me around to face him. Once he sees my face he inhales sharply. I'm not usually one to express when I'm sad or upset about something so this is a bit of a shock to him. He pulls me into him not saying anything just holding me. Right then I get a text. I grab my phone pulling away from him. It's my best friend Peytan.

(Peytan=P, Mariana= M)
P: hey gurl u wanna go hoco shopping w/ me
M: sure what time
P: like 3
M: works for me:)

~Time Skip~

"So who are you going with?", Peytan asks as we look through racks upon racks of hoco dresses.
I laugh a little as we look. "I'm not going with anyone. How about you?"
"Wait, you aren't going with your boyfriend?", she asks completely ignoring my question. I look at her, slightly puzzled.
"My boyfriend?" 

"Jason, silly." she laughs, "You guys are dating right?"

I sigh, rolling my eyes slightly. " We're just friends Peytan."

She studies my face for a minute then turns back to the dresses apparently coming to a conclusion. 

 "You like him." Not very subtle, the way she just throws that out there. I look at her, shocked.

"Don't give me that look you know it's true. You say you're just friends but you want to be more am I right?" She smirks at me and I smile but it soon goes away.

"Yes I like him but there's no way he likes me back." I say, crestfallen. "Besides there are so many other girls out there that are way better for him than I am. He doesn't really care for me he just talks to me because we're neighbors and he feels bad because I'm a just a little sophomore."
"Do you really believe that?" A voice rings out from behind me. I turn around to see Jason standing there looking slightly hurt and angry. Oh crap.

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