Chapter 2: School and Dates?

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Mariana's Pov:
      We finish our food by the time we get to school and hop off our boards. I reach down to grab mine as he does the same and our heads bump. We jump apart, laughing and blushing as I jokingly push his shoulder. He pretends to be offended, pouting adorably. I roll my eyes at his playfulness and kiss him on the cheek quickly before grabbing my board. He smiles, kissing me on the forehead. One of the annoying things about our friendship is that, due to him being 5'9 and me being 4'11, he's way taller than me. He loves it. Me? Not so much. He picks up his board and we head into the school.

      We walk in laughing and joking. This is our typical morning. He heads to his locker in the first floor while I head to mine in the second floor. Oh I might've forgotten to mention: he's a senior and I'm a sophomore. Before you say anything yes we are best friends and no the 2 year difference does not bother us.  He's seventeen and I'm fifteen.
      He joins me at my locker until the bell rings every morning. When it does he goes downstairs to his first period and I go upstairs to mine. We have glee club together fourth period where he usually greets me with a hug or a side smirk. Then it's lunch and on with our days.  He comes to my locker at the end of the day as well and we walk out together. Because we live so close we just walk home together or board. Today we walked. Halfway home I get a phone call. I motion for Jason to be quiet then answer.
(Brandon-B, Mariana- M)
M: Hello?
B: Hey Mariana
M: Brandon! Hey what's up?
B: Nothing much really just wanted to know if you wanted to go out sometime?
I smile and blush, surprised. Jason gives me a weird look but I wave him off.
M: Um sure? When and where?
B: Where is a surprise. I'll pick you up at 6. Dress casual.
M: Ok! See you at 6.
B: Goodbye
M: Bye
      Oh my God. I can't believe what just happened. What am I going to wear? How should I do my hair? Should I do makeup? What do I bring? I snap out of my cloud of thoughts as Jason shakes my shoulders, bringing me back to reality. I look at him trying to process everything. Then suddenly I start jumping up and down basically shrieking because I'm so happy.
      "Okay um don't bust my ear drums again but what happened?", he asks while rubbing his ears.
"Sorry," I blush from embarrassment, "Brandon asked me out on a date!" For a second I swear I saw his face fall but then it was back into a smile. Maybe I just imagined it?
"That's great. Have fun." he says. I give him a questioning look on why he sounds off all of a sudden. He just smiles at me then steals my phone and runs away.

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