rainbow dash x red (part 1)

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red steps calmly along the path as he looks at the green trees and blue skies around him. red usually takes walks such as this as it calms him down and lets him relax after doing a lot of work. red keeps walking until he sees a bench so deciding to take a rest he walks over to it and sits down as he drinks some water from a water bottle. just then, as red looks up he sees a figure moving around in the skies not far from where he sits as it flies around in odd patterns and breaks through the clouds but whatever it is its too far away to be able to see well enough to tell what it is so red shrugs it off and looks elsewhere. then, he sees a person walking towards him and as he looks to see who it is he sees his friend ashton as ashton sits down next to red.

"i dont see you around here often"

ashton says as red responds with,

"well i actually come here rather often to thats a surprise"

red hands ashton some water as he says,

"so what brings you here?"

ashton drinks some water as he says,

"nothing much, i just got bored and felt like coming here then i saw something flying around and i got interested"

"you saw it too?"

red asks as ashton answers with,

"yeah but i cant make out what it is"

"me neither"

red says as ashton hands reds bottle back to him, stands up and says,

"well it was nice seeing you, see ya later"

red waves goodbye as ashton begins walking away. suddenly, a large arrangement of rainbow colours flies across the sky in a circular shape as a extremely fast moving object flies away from it. red stands up and runs closer to see what it was but then stops as he sees the object begin falling towards him. the object flies down at him as a distant shouting can be heard as it does so. as the shouting gets louder the object gets closer until it eventually reaches ground as it hits red directly in the stomach at full speed knocking him to the ground. as red wakes up a minute later, he looks to see what the hit was caused by and sees a very odd sight. he sees a blue furred pony nearly the same size as him with wings as well as rainbow hair and a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt coming out of it on its flank laying on top of him. as red tries to work out what it is he realises that from the fall it could be dead so he immediately checks for its pulse and luckily he finds it. now knowing its alive red decides its best to try and wake it up as he reaches a hand steadily towards its face as he gently pokes it. immediately, it flinches as he pokes it again and it flinches again. after a while of poking it eventually opens its eyes and looks around.

"who are you?"

it asks as red responds with,

"apparently I'm your landing pad"

"heheh, sorry i dont know what happened. i was just trying a stunt then my wing just cramped up and i couldnt fly"

it says as red smiles and says,

"its ok, you didnt cause that much damage to the entire front of my body"

"oh I'm soo sorry did i hurt your sensitive belly?"

it says as red scoffs and exclaims,

"nah i have had worse"

it then looks at him surprised and says,

"seriously? you have had worse then a fully grown mare crashing into your rib cage at full speed after falling out of the sky?"


red says as it looks surprised as it says,

"wow, well i dont want to know what you do as a hobby then"

red thinks back through the conversation so far and then says,

"sorry i dont think i ever got your name"


it asks as it then stands up and strikes a pose whilst still standing on red as it says,

"the names rainbow dash, you probably already heard of me"

"cant say i have to be honest"

after red says this rainbow looks at him with a face that clearly reads "your kidding right?" then lays back down like before.

"well anyway, its nice to meet you rainbow dash but can i ask a quick question?"

red asks as rainbow responds with,

"sure, ask away"

"can you get off me?"

"heh yeah, sorry about that"

she says as she hops off of reds stomach and onto the floor as red sits up.

"here, lemme help you"

rainbow says as she holds out a hoof and red takes it as she pulls him up onto his feet.

"so what are you gonna do about your wing?"

red asks as rainbow glances at her wing then says,

"i dont know, i guess see a doctor about it but it doesnt hurt so i can do it another time"

"i know how to deal with injured body parts so i could help you with your wing if you want instead of wasting money on a doctor"

red says as rainbow looks confused at him and asks,

"how do you know about injured body parts?"

"experience, lots of experience"

"right, well we dont need to worry about it now so how about we go pay a visit to one of my friends?"

rainbow asks as red thinks then says,

"sure we can do that"

"great, lets go then"

rainbow says happily as she starts walking away as red follows behind her.

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