ch.2 The legend..will be proved

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              I looked out the window of the old, beaten down car. We all decided to look for the legend. Kenny wouldn't shut up about it. He wanted to prove that he wasn't crazy. For a fourteen year old, he was brave. To be honest I was a little scared to find out if it was true or not. I just wanted to leave what ever is out there alone. 

                  The car stopped and parked. We all got out and I grabbed Kenny's bag, then mine. I had to look out for Kenny. He had something wrong with him...we just didn't know what. "Did you know that the Legend can rip you apart just by snapping his fingers?" Kenny said. "Did you know that he has scales? How about his teeth? Did you know that they are stronger than a shark and a wolf together?" He kept going on, nonstop. I just rolled my eyes and nodded. Ethan worked on his car while Steven made jokes about his car. Katherine kept trying to find a signal. I took both of our bags to a room in the cabin we found and laid them down. I sighed and plopped down on the bed. " Can I go play outside?" Kenny asked. I nodded and waved him away. 

                  After I heard Kenny skip down the hallway, I realized everyone else went to their rooms. I looked to the road that was close to the cabin. I noticed that a truck would zoom by every ten minutes. It was a eighteen wheeler. Then I looked towards Kenny. He was flying his remote control helicopter. I smiled and sat next to the window. Then, out of nowhere, Ethan hugged me from behind. I jumped and then smiled. "You scared the shit out of me..." I said, glaring playfully. He smirked and pinched my ass, playfully. I growled and bite his ear playfully back. He jumped. " Ok ok you win!" I smirked and let go then looked back to the window. I saw that Kenny's helicopter crashed. I pouted and got up and walked outside.

              I walked over to Kenny to find him sitting down next to his helicopter, crying a little. That was the only thing he had, and it was broken. I felt really bad for him. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. " I-It was my favorite toy...A-And I broke it, Megan..." He said, his voice breaking. I keeled down and pulled him into a hug. "shh, shh. I know..I know.." It's not just any old toy. it was the only toy he had left that our mom gave to us, and now it was not in use anymore. He was trembling, nuzzled into my neck, crying. "It's just a stupid toy...i'll get you another one.." Steven said. I growled. "It's the only damn thing that we had left from back off!" He slowly backed away and hid behind Katherine. I picked up Kenny and carried him inside the house.

~a few hours later~

              I woke up to find Kenny gone. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Kenny?.." I asked quietly. I noticed the door was opened. I shut it before I went to bed. I also noticed that Ethan was at the foot of my bed, asleep.

The hell is he doing there?

             I shrugged off the thought and got up quietly. Ethan opened his eyes slightly and looked at me. "Is something wrong?" He asked, half awake. I shook my head and walked out the door. I looked around, trying to find Kenny. No where in sight. Ethan started to follow me around. Then I heard the slight sound of a truck horn. I raised and eyebrow and walked outside. I saw Kenny walking towards the road. My eyes widened and I started to run towards him. "Kenny!" I yelled, trying to catch up with him. He didn't hear me. What ever he was doing, he was focused. He seemed so far away. Ethan started to run ahead of me. Kenny kept walking. I started to wave my hands and the truck kept moving closer and closer when it seemed like we were getting farther and farther. Kenny moved to the middle of the road and we were so close. I got up to the road but tripped. Next thing I knew I heard the horn got louder, then a loud crack and something stumble while the truck was turning over.

           I watched as the truck had crushed his limp little body and twisted and turned. I screamed and cried. " No!" I got up and tried to run over to him but the truck was still moving. Ethan quickly grabbed me and held me back. I struggled against him and kept screaming and crying. Then I started to remember the legend..

He can kill you by using the road..

              I was mad now. I looked towards the woods and yelled as loud as I could. "You cold-hearted bastard!" I got out of Ethan's grip and ran over to my now dead brother. I stopped five feet away from him. He was everywhere. Pieces here, pieces there. I fell to my knees and crawled to his body. Blood was everywhere and I hated to know it was his. I kept thinking to myself: Pretend it's not him...pretend it's not him...

                I picked up his limp body and held it close, not caring if blood got on me. Ethan walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. I whimpered and nuzzled into Kenny's chest, hoping for a heartbeat-- anything. I didn't find one. I sobbed and looked at Ethan. "I-It's all my f-fault.."

"No, no it's not"

"I-I should have been faster.."

"You couldn't have saved was to late.." 

"It wouldn't have been if I ran faster, Ethan! I could have ran faster!"

          he pulled me into a hug and held me there. I let go of Kenny and sobbed, shaking, clinging to Ethan. Kenny didn't do anything wrong. He was a good boy...he was a good boy. All he wanted was the truth...and now..I'm going to find it..

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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