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Alexander Rodriguez's POV

Dreams. Everyone dreams of something. Some come true. Some do not. But when they do come true and if that dream is marrying the love of the life, that's an unexplainable feeling. Kiara, my Little One. You make me feel that happiness right now. Kiara is my dream.

As cheesy as it might sound, but since the moment I laid my eyes on her small frame, everything around me shook. In that moment I know that she is the only thing that is going to matter to me and she is. She is a dream that I thought might never come true.

Today is the day that my dream is coming true. Right now, I am standing on this end of the aisle, waiting for my dream to appear on that end. All the guests are here. The priest is ready. The funny thing is, there are more best mans than bridesmaids. William, Anthony, Hades and Nathan are standing on my side. Oliver, Xander, Max, Gavin and Brad are standing behind Tiffany. She is the only bridesmaid.

Since there are not many girlfriends for Kiara, all of them stood on her side wearing the black suit and pants. I never felt nervous in my life. Not even when I got to know that Zack knew about us. I cannot believe that Kiara and Zack made a fool out of me.

"Baby." Kiara came and hugged me. Her small enclosed me to her. She feels so delicate, almost as if I might break her. I hugged her back. Zack is sitting in the living room. She pulled away slowly and pulled me along with her to sit on the sofa next to her.

"Zack." I give him a nod. He nods back.

"Alex." I look down at her as she called me. She looks sad. My heart clipped worrying that she is hurt a lot from all that is happening. "Dad did not agree." She said looking down. He did not agree of us? My gaze returned to him. He looks silent and composed.

"What if I do not agree?" He asked. There is no way I am letting her got that easily.

"We will wait till you agree."If we can't go against them, all we can do is wait. It won't take a minute for me to give up everything and go against them for her. I will do it in a heartbeat. But ad mist of all that, Kiara will suffer, which I do not want. "But I am not giving up on her." I pull her closer. He put her arms around me.

"Well then." Zack paused to speak. "Keep waiting."

"Dad!" Kiara said crying. Fuck! That's it!

"Maybe we do not have to wait. We can always get married in a church even without your blessings." My voice had no emotion. Kiara is crying and I am losing my sanity. "Come on Kiara." Both Zack and Kiara look shocked at my outburst. I stand up giving her my hand. She looked at Zack. I turn to him. He has a small smile on his face. I frowned. Why is he smiling? I feel her petite fingers in my hand.

"Oh, Dad!" She whined and stood up. "This is backfiring our plan. Let's just tell him!" She whined. Now it's confusing. Backfiring their plan? What plan? Zack laughed.

"You have my blessings son. I cannot bring anyone better than you for her." He patted my hand. "We thought to play you a little before telling you, but however you scored." Play me a little, huh? I look down at Kiara and found her smiling cheekily before she looked away. I can't help the smile on my face.

"Thank you, Zack." He nodded his head.

"The whole plan is plotted by her." He said nodding his head towards Kiara. Her mouth dropped open as she gasped.

"Dad!" He laughed and turned around to leave. He waved and left the room. I turn my attention completely to her. She looked at me trying to speak, but her mouth opened and closed like a fish. "I swear Alex, Baby, it was not my idea. It was dad who first said that."

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