Chapter Two

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Are prophecies lies? Now you are the fool. Prophecies have existed for thousands of years now. They are glimpses of what is to come. Some humans have them, visions of futures that are possible. But mine, I can see everything.

This is a curse, seeing the future. When you see it, you want to forget. What is better torture to see something you can never change? I question you, if you could see the future and saw everyone you loved die... Would you simply move on? It is a nightmare.

I remind you I see things that cannot change. So you can dare ask me your own fate, things you have no power over, and tell me this is a gift? I can tell that you still ask how I die, but you must be patient.

As the emptiness stretching before me stops, and I am enveloped in its heart, I see my world. I see a home of green and blue, where the clouds dance in the sky. The water ripples as a stone skips across its surface. On the shore of a river, a boy sits, his eyes gray like mine. He stares at the river, his face drooped in sadness.

I can tell he is lonely. Like me. I forget why I am seeing this and watch in horror as a girl approaches him. It's me. I see myself, sitting beside him. He looks into my eyes and takes my hand.

When the blackness rushes back into me I am brought back to my reality. My brother puts a hand on my shoulder. 

"What did you see?" He asks, still staring into the forest around the road. I look away and begin walking to my home. He asks again, persisting. 

"Saw nothing." I had to lie, always.

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