Percy Weasley: Part One

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I was a fool. That much is obvious, and I make it clear to my family that I am on their side for good.

Mom greets me with a tearful hug and Dad as well.

"Ickle Percy's back? I guess the Minister fired you?" George smirks.

"Actually, I left of my own free will."

That wins over the twins, and they welcome me to the fight.

The Battle begins immediately.  Kingsley assigns us a long, dark passage. George breaks off with another group, leading bravely. Fred and I race away from the Room of Requirement, several brave Hogwarts students in tow. Ron, Hermione, and Harry join us. We come face to face with several advancing death eaters, and nearly every face is familiar. How stupid of me to think they were right.

Now, however, I feel an unbelievable sense of pride I've never felt before, to be here, forgiven and fighting alongside my brother and friends. For the first time in a long time, I feel free. I start to laugh.

We fight, our single row of fighters against the herd of more experienced killers. At one point, I hear a familiar voice, and find Thickness pointing his wand directly at me.

"Hello, Minister!" I shout, and send a jinx at him that will erupt all across his body; as though he is painfully transforming into a sea urchin. He deserves much more, but I revel in his pain.

"Did I mention I'm resigning?"

I hear Fred crack up a few feet to my right, sending off curses and avoiding the ones returning, "You're joking, Perce!" He looks at me with a wide smile that sends a wave of affection through me.

"You actually are joking, Perce. . . . I don't think I've heard you joke since you were -"

The air explodes, and my world ends.

That's what it feels like, at least, as we are blown backwards and the hall seems to fall down upon us. I know before I see him, red hair barely visible beneath the shattered bricks and marble.

"No - no - no!"

"No! Fred! No!"

After ripping away the rubble, I shake him as viciously as I can, crying so hard, so desperately wanting, needing him to be okay. Be alive.

I stare into his unblinking eyes, searching for movement, for life.

There is none. Fred is gone.

/Author's Notes/
Hey! I'd absolutely love some feedback, so feel free to tell me what you thought or who's experience you'd like to read next. Thanks for reading.

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