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"I CAN CANCEL MY DATE", JAMIE SAID WHILE WE WERE WALKING DOWN THE STREET. I shook my head "No you won't, it's just one premiere, you can go to the next one that comes up ", I told him, but Jamie just sulks.

"Also it's good that your getting out there, maybe this will help you to get over Ash", he signed "I wish it was that easy", Jamie liked my brother for years and I honestly thought that my dumbass brother would notice that, but of course he didn't.

Jamie didn't really like talking about my brother, so I tried to cheer him up "wanna go get some hot chocolate, I'll pay?", just by saying that I made Jamie grin and he nodded "you know I'm a slut for hot chocolate", he said before dragging me to the nearest coffeeshop.

He opened the door and a little bell over the door rang. The coffeeshop was pretty empty, only two other people were in it.

We walked over to the counter where a woman greeted us. Jamie and I told her what we wanted and she got right to work.

While we waited for our drinks, the door bell rang once again and Jamie and I turned to the door to see who walked in.

It was a young man, I think he was in his mid-twenties. He had short brown hair and a striking face, somehow he looked oddly familiar to me.

Jamie leand over to wisper something in my ear "Damn, that Jawline is more structured than my life", I really tried not to laugh, I really did, but I couldn't stop it.

The guy looked over at us and raised his eyebrows, Jamie waved at him and tried to act cool "Is she okay?", he asked at looked at me, I was still laughing. He just shrugged "She will be", Jamie said "I'm Benjamin by the way, but most people just say Jamie and this is-", "I'm Riley, nice to meet you", I pulled myself together and and tried not to laugh again.

He eyed us quick before he introduced himself as well "Taron, the pleasure is mine", he said and smiled briefly. "What kind of accent is that?", Jamie asked him "Welsh", he explained.

The woman behind the counter came back with our hot choclates "Here you go, that's 5 dollars", we gave her the money, then she turned her attention to Taron and took his order.

We said goodbye to Taron before we left with our hot chocolate.

"He was cute", Jamie said the minute we left the coffeeshop "Why didn't you ask for his number then?", I asked him while taking a sip from my hot chocolate, which I instantly regret "Goddamit, I burned my tongue".

Jamie shook his head "It's called hot chocolate for a reason dummy", I ignored what he said "So, why didn't you ask for his number?", "He seemed Straight!", I frowned "the hell is that supposed to mean? How would you know that?", I asked him confused.

He shrugged "I just do", I signed "you talk a lot of shit when the day is long, you know that?", Jamie looked at me "the day is always long", he said "exactly", I took another sip of my hot chocolate, but this time I was more careful.

"I hang out with you to have a good time and I honestly feel so attacked right now", I just laughed "Oh shut up and drink your chocolate", and that's what he did, well the drinking part.

After he took a sip he looked at me "you know since I'm moving on from Ashton, maybe it's time for you too to get out there, I mean how long are you single now?", he ask and took another sip.

I shook my head "no listen, I don't need no man, also I'm only single since two years or so", "Two years, that's nothing, you're right", he said sarcastically.

My hot chocolate was already empty so I walked over to a trashcan and threw my empty cup away, then I walked back to Jamie "Who are you to judge me anyways? Your single since four years!", "by choice, what is your excuse?", I didn't know what to say so I just walked away.

Jamie came after me "really smooth Riley, really smooth", he said and laughed when he finally arrived me.

"But hey, look at the positive side, you still have me!", I looked at him "aren't you supposed to cheer me up?", "I'm just gonna pretend you didn't just said that", he finished his chocolate and threw it away as well.

I looked at him and grinned "I honestly don't know why we are friends", he put an arm around me "because you love me, that's why", he said and I put my arm around him as well "sadly your right", I said and he smiled at me.


TWO HOUR LATER WE WENT OVER TO A FRIEND'S HOUSE. Well I wouldn't exactly call him a friend since I only met him twice, but he throws great parties.

The guy knew a lot of celebrity thought, so most of his guests were famous stars or singers and he also is very rich.

I spotted Tom in the kitchen drinking beer and walked over to him "Hello old man, what you doing here?", he looked at me and emptied his beer "A friend of mine dragged me here, I'm not voluntarily here", he explained himself.

He offered me a drink but I refused "so where is this friend of yours?", I asked and looked in the living room that was full of dancing people. Tom looked around for a second "I think he's at the bathroom, I couldn't really understand what he said", Tom said referring to the loud music.

"Oh wait nevermind, there he is", he pointed in the direction of the dancing crowd. I wanted to ask who exactly he meant, but then I saw someone really familiar coming our way.

Taron walked up to us and looked at me "are you following me?", I laughed "you wish", Tom just looked confused "you guys know each other", he had opened another beer and took a sip.

We both shook our heads "No, we just met each other today at a coffeeshop", I told Tom. Then it finally made click "Now I know why you look so familiar, you guys were together in a movie", it was such a relief to finally know why he looked so familiar, it kind of bothered me the whole time.

Tom put his beer away "Did you finally watch it?", he asked me surprised "No, not exactly, but I watched like the first 20 minutes sooo...", he looked at me really disappointed "such a disgrace, i'mma go find Jamie".

Taron and I both watched how he disappeared in the crowd "That wasn't dramatic at all", Taron said and turned to me "yeah, he can be a real diva sometimes", he just laughed.

"So you know, since we are here already, wanna dance?", that question took me by surprise "seriously? I'd love to", he took my hand and walked with me on the 'dance floor' and started dancing.

an: I don't know what this was exactly, it's pretty shitty.
Hope you enjoyed it anyways!
Also if you wanna read like a good Taron ff than you should definitely check out mcavoys!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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