You had me 'Hello!'

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Carmel POV:

It is now June 29th, AKA the day I get off for my summer holidays. I anxiously watched the clock, waiting for it to strike three.  My cousin Zayn Malik and his friend Harry Styles are arriving in for their two month stay tonight and I can't wait to see them. As soon as the bell rang, I packed up my bag and hurried to my little sports car. The sun was shining and the excitment of summer had filled the air. I put my sunglasses on as I walked across the carpark, texting my friend, Cassy. 'Offically finished school for the next two months, woohoo! Wana meet up for awhile :-)?xx' After I hit send I got into my car and rolled down the sunroof. The drive home was short and peaceful. All I could think about was how good life is right now, I mean I'm on vacation for two months and I get to spend the time with my amazing cousin and his super hot friend.

When I got home, I checked my phone, three new texts and two twitter notifications, yay I'm loved.

My first text was from Cassy 'Woohoo, the joys of being older than you is that i GRADUATED school two years ago. You jealous;)? Yeah, Can we meet up a bit later but, I'm out shopping with my mum atm:( xxx'

She always teases me for being younger, but I graduate next year, so its not that bad. I just texted a simple reply back to her 'Not at all;) yeah thats fine, text me sure babes xxx'

My next text was from Zayn.It said  "Just about to board my plane, buzzing to see you! Only 6 more hours!x' 

God damn England being so far from America, I dont think I can wait 6 more hours! Roll on 9o' clock. I didnt bother replying to him, he was ovbiously already on the plane and probably doesnt have a signal. My final text was from Leo, my boy bestfriend. 'You still for the party tonight:-) ? you best be ;) it'll be a good start to summer!!xx' 

Craaaaap. The party. The excitment of the boys coming tonight just made me forget all about the biggest party of the year. Im sure Harry and Zayn will enjoy a good party. Ah, I'll bring them along to it. I replied to Leo, filling him in on my plans. "My cousin and his mate are flying in from England tonight, they arrive at 9 and then i'll come down with them for awhile! see you then! xxx'

I didnt even bother my ass to check my twitter notifications, it was probably them spam tweets. Instead I went for a nice long shower. By the time I had shaved my legs and washed my hair it was almost five o clock. Time is absolutely dragging. NINE O CLOCK WHERE YOU AT?

"Carmel hunny, your dinners ready!" My mom shouted up the stairs to me.


"Finally" I thought to myself as I looked at my reflection. My hair was being a nuisance and wouldn't sit right but I eventually got it to stay the way I wanted it to, with a lot of hairspray of course. I was wearing a short, pink dress with white wedges, the two colours really stood out against my tan skin. My makeup was simple and consisted of eyeshadow and lipgloss. Simple but effective. And of course I have my fake eyelashes on, they make my eyes stand out. I was satisfied with the way I looked. This party is going to start summer with a bang!

Just then I looked at my phone. 9:30??! What the? Me and Mum were supposed to collect the boys at the airport a half an hour ago. "Crap" I muttered to myself as I turned off my stero, the room fell silent, I always listen to my music at the highest volume possible. How did I loose track of time? I thought to myself as I dandered down the stairs. 'Mum?Mum!' I shouted, searching each room for her. 'Mum- we should have already le-' I stopped talking when I found her in the dining room. With Zayn and Harry. They all burst out laughing. 'I have left' mum said laughing 'And I've returned!'

'Why didnt you call me? I wanted to pick them up too!'

'Hunny, I called and called up the stairs to you, I even came to your door, You had it locked so i knocked but your music was too loud, as usual."

I felt all my blood rushing to my cheeks. Just then I took a proper glance at how grown up Zayn was. And how beautiful Harry was.

'Come here Carmel!' Zayn said getting off his chair to hug me. 'I've missed you so much!'

'I've missed you too!' I said as I held on to him.

Then Harry stood up, cleared his throat and introduced himself. 'Hello! I'm Harry Styles' before pulling me in for a hug, his hugs were so tight. He smelled so good. Im nearly sure that after I let go ill smell of him.

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