Chapter 14

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Holliee's POV

Michael Jordan once said " If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."

I guess you could say this doesn't relate to what is going on to me. What am I trying to achieve? I asked myself this. I wanted to have my life back. I wanted all of my friends to be normal... no more demons angels or whatever. I just want a normal teenager life. However, unlike Michael my obstacles are stopping me. How can I save my friends if they are unsaveable? How can I help Harry turn off his demonic presence? How can I stop all of this disaster happening? Is it possible for me to stop either Justin's or my impending death? I feel like the answer to these questions is simply.. No. I don't see any possible way to stop this. I do want to give up however I know I musn't even if it leads to my death. I guess even though these obstacles are stopping me and hurting me and friends I will always try to do the best because I love them. They make up my heart.

I woke up to a world of pain. Not just physical, but deep in my heart. One of my best friends was in grave danger and it seemed that there was no solution to fix him. It was all my fault that he was involved in this. How can I ever forgive myself? I have led everyone to danger and maybe even death! I don't even understand why I have to be part of this. I just wish I could turn it off.

Justin and Hannah were god knows where. Harry, all know is that he was still with the evil girl, Ashton. I had glimpses all of sudden of Ashton and I being friends. What happened? I got up and examined the purple, blue, and green bruises covering my body. I was so sore. I got up from the floor and looked around. There was no sign of the person who saved me from that cave. I grabbed my shattered phone and manage to turn it on. I called Daniela and told her to meet me 4 o'clock sharp at the cafe on mercer.

4 o'clock came by... and no Daniela. I tapped my fingers impatiently and swirled the last remains of my mocha until it formed a liquid tornado. I heard the bell ring and my head whipped back. There she was.

She was wearing a dark dress with a strange colored shaw covering most of her face. She walked straight down to my table and I smelled a hint of some type of herb.

"So why have you called me here?" She questioned as she slowly removed her shaw.

To be honest I didn't know. I had no idea how to overcome the obstacles that greatly stood in my way right now. I was hoping maybe Daniela could help me.

"It's Harry. He has been turned into a demon by some form of strange magic? I am not sure. All I know is that he woke up with black wings, red eyes, and had a completely different personality. He tried to kill me." I sniffled trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill. I felt like my life was gradually breaking apart.

"hmm. Really. I see. Do you know the name of the person who converted them?" She asked glaring at me.


"Well...shit." She muttered.

"Unfortunately she was one of the first angels to convert and start the rebellion of angels. She created the original spell to manipulate good angels into demons."

"Is there any way to fix him?" I exclaimed growing more worried that she would be unable to help me.

"Maybe.. Come with me." And with that she quickly walked out the door. Tentatively I followed behind. She got into her red jeep and beckoned me to hop in.

"Where are we going?"

"Just be quiet." We drove in silence for almost 4 hours. We eventually arrived to a rocky shore with great waves slamming against a miny little dock. On this dock sat a small shack. Barely big enough to fit one person standing. Is this where we were going?

"It will be hard to get there.. but I know that the answer lies there." Daniela pointed to that tiny little shack. Looking at the trip to get there was... disheartening. It would only be accessed through swimming. Amongst those waves, and the ripe tide, and whatever creatures laid underneath those waves.

"Okay lets do it." And with that I plunged into the icy water. I opened my eyes and saw only darkness. A great pressure was applied to my chest and I struggled to get to the surface for a breath. I burst out of the waves gasping for breath, but I was only slammed back down. I started trying to swim straight towards the shack but felt a type of restraint on me. I managed to get another breath and saw that Daniela was at least half a mile ahead of me. How had she gotten so far?

Breathing hard I plunged back down and used every ounce of my strength. My only focus was on reaching that sack. During the next breath intake I saw that I was only about 100 meters away. So close. On land it would only take about 14 seconds to sprint.. I can do this. I felt the water get colder and saw that mysteriously icicles began to form on my arms, then my fingers, and then on my eyelashes. I desperately tried to rip them off but it was as if they had been applied with gorilla glue. Help me! I mentally screamed and felt the ice begin to envelop me. Eventually my whole body was frozen, and I felt myself sinking. Despite my best efforts, I could not move and I sunk into the darkness.

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