Malfoy Manor

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Hermione and Ginny decided to leave at 1.30p.m. that afternoon. Everyone wished them luck there except for Harry, who was still complaining about Malfoy.

They Disapparated to Malfoy Manor, where they found a lady standing in front of the gates.

"Ah, you both must be Ms Granger and Ms Weasley. Such a pleasure to see you again" she winked at Hermione but she glared back. "Now, there are already a few girls waiting at the hall waiting for everyone's arrival. I will be joining all of you in a while to explain the rules and everything. If any of you need anything, please ask the house elf, he will help you." said Narcissa Malfoy.

After both of them went in, saw many girls she knew, like Parvarti Patil, her fellow Gryffindor and her sister, Padma Patil. There was also Susan Bones, Hannah Abott, Luna Lovegood, Pansy Parkinson, Lisa Turpin, Daphne Greengrass, Millicent Bullstrode, Tracey Davis and a few more. She got bored and took out some books to read when - 

" Ah, Granger. I can't believe a mudblood like you will be entering my house to dirty it. With that filthy blood of yours, don't touch any of my stuff." said the blonde hair Draco Malfoy. Hermione wasn't sure how she was going to survive there for a week with Malfoy being mean and evil to her. 

After a few moments, a few girls marched into the hall and Narcissa Malfoy entered the room and started  gathering everyone's attention.

"Good afternoon to each and everyone of you beautiful young ladies! Now, I believed you all know the reason of your arrival. You are all in a competition to win Draco's heart, to be his future wife ( at this point, Ginny and Hermione exchanged looks of disgust). So, there will be 6 rooms for you girls so 5 people will have to share a room. Every weekday, Draco will be going out on dates with a girl and at the end of the week he can send girls home. You can't skip dates, and you can't go on extra dates except for weekends if Draco chooses you. 

"I hope you are all clear with this. The timetable will be at the kitchen wall and feel free to check it out! And also, after 4 months there will probably not be many of you hanging around here anymore, so Draco will have to choose a wife and marry next year. You will have to give birth before Draco turns 25, now, make yourself at home, goodnight!"

Hermione and Ginny checked the timetables and their dates will be next Monday and Tuesday. Hermione turned around to notice Draco at the corner and realized he had became more handsome and mascular. She couldn't help but stare. Suddenly, Draco and her eyes met.

"Anything wrong, Granger?" he said, smirking. 

Draco's POV

'Anything wrong, Granger?" I said, while smirking. Granger had changed her hairstyle and I think maybe, just maybe, she looks better than Pansy and Daphne. No, she obviously looks better than both of them, she looks gorgeous. NO,DRACO. She is a mudblood, you want to marry her and break the pure blood tradition? No. She is... beautiful, but I am not telling her, obviously. 

"Everything's wrong when you are around, Malfoy. Stop bothering me and nothing will be wrong." said Granger. I know she thinks I am handsome, I just know. I don't think any girl in the manor thinks I am not hot at all. 

But if I have to choose the hottest girl in the manor now, it will probably be that mudblood Granger. But no, it can't be, i haven't see everyone there yet.

Back to normal

Hermione and Ginny went to their room to find Pavarti and Padma, together with another girl sharing their room. They had a little chat a went to sleep. Thinking about their life at Malfoy Manor and wishing they will be back the next week.


Hey guys! what do you all think? Please give some ideas if you have any. I hope you all like it.See you all next chapter!!!!

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