A Better Change

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I CANNOT BELIEVE HIM!!!! I mean how in the world is he going to hit me then ask if I am ok like NIGGA NO I AM NOT YOU BASICALLY JUST ABUSED ME! I've got to ask Mrs.India can I change because I am scared out of my mind and I don't want to get hit anymore. One time, was enough for me

Knock Knock Knock

"Come in" I walked in her office quietly and sat down.

"Well hello Will--- sweetheart what happened to your face?" She asked

I had no words to say. I was on the verge of tears not wanting to explain the incident that happened a couple of minutes ago

"Willow I'm waiting" She said impatiently. I sighted and explained the story to her. When I was finished she was in shock.

"Oh my goodness I am so sorry hun, you don't have to nurse him any longer. I will put cameras in his room so you can just watch him from your computer and I will have someone else walk him down to the cafeteria, ok?"

I was so happy to hear that. I hugged Mrs. India and told her Thank you and walked out the office. Now maybe my job will be easier. I sat in my office just smiling. Even though I only nursed him for one day I don't wanna have to go through those mood changes again. I took out a mirror and applied makeup so no one else would ask about my scars. After I began to do nothing on My computer until it was time to leave.


I was sitting in my office, looking at Princeton through My screen. Yep, they finally put the cameras in his room. But he doesn't do anything but stare at the wall. Kinda weird. I heard a knock in My door I turned My computer off. "Come in" The door opens and here comes Chresanto with Taco Bell. My favorite.

"Hey Willow, I brought you some lunch. Hard tacos with alot of mild sauce. Right?"

"Correct Mr. August" I smiled. Ever since that day he saved me from Princeton, we have been like the best of friends. We buy eachother lunch, we go out for dinner sometimes and we go to the mall and stuff. Hes cool people to have around. He gave me My food and we ate and laughed as usually.

"You know that Princeton dude is asking for you right?"

"Why is he looking for me I only nursed him one day flippin' day and now he's acting like he owns me or something" I was getting pretty irritated by this.

"He said he needs to talk to you"

"Well I guess his wish can't come true" I said loudly. I was mad. He needs to stop looking for me and go on his way. It was silent.

"Sorry for yelling, I'm just a lil upset about this situation"

"It's ok. I would be mad too"

"Thanks for understanding"

Your welcome" He smiled at me and,I smiled back. His watch started to beep which meant lunch was over.

"Welp that's My cue, Ill talk to you later" I got up and hugged him. He left and I sat down and thought. What does he want me for? I didn't do anything. He hit me. I sighed and turned back on My computer. Princeton was just sitting there in the same chair. He then got up and went the door. He grabbed the handle and broke it off.

Oh my goodness. He Just escaped.

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