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(Author’s Note: Thanks for your votes for the previous chapters! It means a lot to me! This is dedicated to graypink111!)



In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream, and in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.” – Michael Jackson

Sabrina may have never experienced parental love, but she found a man who loved her. She learned to be content of what she had. She learned so many things about life, thus she had planned to write a book about being positive. Despite that, she regretted not being confident about herself, thus she considered herself as a late-bloomer at age 40.

Loving him secretly had its pros and cons. David was able to love her back, but he hadn’t told her sooner.

After they confessed their feelings, a gift was sent to them from heaven. Adrianna Reegan was an adorable baby who had her parents and elder siblings wrapped around her finger. She would be the last Reegan child, since another child would be dangerous for her.

Sometimes, there are people stuck at the bottom of the cliff and can’t climb up, but they can when the time is right. Others experience ups and downs like a see-saw. The worst is when they are already at the top, then unexpectedly, they fall. However, we should never stop fighting and dream high.

David was carrying the five-month old Adrianna when Sabrina entered their room. It seemed that Adrianna wanted to be breastfed. Gently, Sabrina sat down on the bed and assisted her baby. As for David, he hugged her from behind. “I like seeing you this way,” he whispered and kissed her cheek.

She looked at him and pecked his cheek. She was not a girl who expressed her feelings through words. She tried to express it with her actions.

He understood the meaning. “Hey, I really do. Say something.”

“I love you more,” she teased. She knew that he hated it when she would say that. He insisted he loved her more.

He smirked, “I know.” The door opened revealing the twins who just arrived from school. Daniel and Janine kissed Sabrina’s cheek. Janine approached David and kissed him as well. Daniel smiled at his dad, who jokingly asked him, “No kiss for your Dad?”

“Dad, it’s awkward,” Daniel scratched his head. “Do I have to?”

“Why not? You used to kiss me as a kid!” David smirked.

Daniel rolled his eyes and gave his dad a manly hug, “I think it’s better.” Janine was already carrying Adrianna, pinching her little sis on the cheek lightly.

“Aw, she’s really cute!” she gushed to Daniel, who nodded with a smile.

Daniel felt pride for himself. He had beautiful sisters to protect from harm and… suitors. He hugged his twin from behind and kissed her cheek. “I love the both of you. You know that right?”

“Daniel’s so sweet,” Janine teased and suddenly they heard the camera click. It was from their mom, smiling at the both of them softly.

Daniel frowned and signaled his mom for another shot. He and Janine posed for another camera shot with Adrianna on Janine’s arms. After that, he decided to bring his monopod and set his iPhone on it so they can do some family selfie. All of them were smiling on the camera.

He knew his plan to set his parents up worked. He felt that he was doing a great job as the eldest sibling. More so when his Mom and Dad had a picture kissing on the lips.


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