Four; Special

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As Alayna stepped out of the car she was hit with a rush of sympathy for the crying girl sitting alone on the steps, everyone ignoring her completely, which pissed her off. She walks up to the Cullen children and her brother who are looking shocked and discussing something with Jasper. When they hear the click of her heals they immediately shut up. Alayna is slightly confused but brushes it off until she realizes what they were discussing and embarrassment hitting her and she blushes.

"I don't know what's happening to me. I've never felt sympathy for anyone other than my mother and brother." Alayna says still blushing.

"Oh I know why." Alexander states smirking and quickly glancing at Rosalie.

Which causes loud laughs to come from the siblings of Rosalie. Rosalie isn't laughing but she is looking down and playing with the hem of her shirt. While Alayna is blushing more than she ever has.

"Aw. Look at them being nervous." Alice says laughing lightly.

"You guys are jerks." Alayna says rolling her eyes and quickly turning around, starting to walk away.

As she is walking she feels a hand grasp her own and looks up to see Rosalie. A light smile graces her lips and she looks back down slightly as she walks. As they're walking Tyler Crowley mumbles hot and Rosalie squeezes Alayna's hand.

Alayna changes course and turns around dragging Rosalie to her car. Rosalie and her siblings share a confused glance as Alayna drags Rosalie across the school parking lot. Even Alexander has no clue what is happening and watches carefully as Alayna opens the door to the backseat and carefully shoved Rosalie in, closing the door and moving towards the drivers side of the car. She carefully slides in and starts driving leaving he school behind.

After about 15 minutes of driving Alayna pulls into a hidden abandoned parking lot in the woods. Alayna steps out of the drivers side of the car, closing the door behind her. She quickly opens the backseat door and moves in straddling Rosalie and closing the door behind her.

"W-What are you doing?" Rosalie stutters, and if she could blush, she would be bright red. Alayna however is perfectly fine.

"I'm going to talk to you about your jealousy. And a couple other topics but those are for after." Alayna states getting straight to the point.

"What do you mean? I'm not jealous." Rosalie denies rather quickly.

"Don't lie baby girl," Alayna whispers in Rosalie's ear which causes it to tighten, "Anyway, there is no need to be jealous. I don't care about any of those idiots or jerks at the school. Want to know why?"

"W-Why?" Rosalie asks extremely flustered.

"Because I love you and only you Rosalie Hale. There I said it. You are the love of my life. I'm 90% sure that I would go crazy. I can't wait to be with you for as long as possible, which can be forever since I can choose whether I want to age or not. I love you Rosalie Hale and I hope you feel the same." Alayna ranted and Rosalie smiled, waiting to reply.

"I love you too Alayna Bellerose. You're by far the best thing that's ever happened to me and I hope you will stay with me forever. And I can't wait until you do." Rosalie ranted right back and Alayna smiled widely.

Alayna acted on her impulse and leaned down grabbing the sides of Rosalie's face and smashing their lips together. Rosalie grinned lightly as they kissed. Alayna leaned back down and they were like puzzle pieces; they fit perfectly together.

They quickly pull away at the sound of a knock on the window. Alayna and Rosalie look out the window to see Alexander and Rosalie's siblings smirking at them. They are surprised when Alayna and Rosalie just smile at each other and slowly get out of the car.

"Damn. I didn't think either of you would have the guts to do or say anything." Alexander states as soon as they get out of the car.

"Well I told her and she told me. We're not going to tell exactly what we said but I'm sure you can figure it out." Alayna replies.

"Whatever. We told the school that you guys were sick and we called mom so she came and got us out early with Esme's permission. Esme is their mom. Not biologically but you know whatever." Alexander replies.

Hey guys! So I hope you are satisfied with this chapter and I'm so sorry about the whole time I didn't update. Anyway the updates will be slow so please bear with me. Thank you so much for sticking with me even though I didn't update! ❤️

Question: Should I start other books with the other characters (the wolves, the Cullens, the volturi, etc.) and if so which characters and how many books should I have of each of the characters (separately)? PLEASE comment so I can understand what you guys would like! ❤️

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