New Things

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*Lonzo's pov*

"When you gon get yourself a girl?" Kuzma laughed as we sat down on my couch.
"Don't know bro," I shrugged, laughing it off.
"You could literally have any girl you wanted, why you waiting?" He looked at me.
"Cause I'm not you," I laughed, "I don't want a fling. I want a relationship."
"Ight ouch," he laughed, "True, but ouch." I laughed and shook my head at him. I turned on the TV and we started to play 2K. I was focused, but not as focused as usual. Since Denise in highschool I haven't had anyone. I did really want someone but I don't know who. I haven't that person yet...


I put my head phones in and checked the time. 9AM. I nodded and put my phone in my pocket. I walked out of my house and started running. I just about every morning. I take the same path every time. I wanted something new. Instead of going down the trail I decided to run toward the playground, where there was another trail that let to the mountain. I ran past the playground and toward the field. There wasn't very many people, seeing it was 9AM. There was another person walking the trail though. It was a girl. She was about 5'3 maybe. She had long brown hair, that was pulling into a pony tail. She had on sweat pants and a hoodie and was pushing something. It looked like a stroller. She looked young though. I jogged past her and smiled small at her. She had beautiful brown eyes and there was a small smile placed on her face. It was a stroller. There was a small kid laying in the stroller, sucking on a pacifier. I continued on my run.

Once I made it up the hill I took a seat on the bench that was there. I drank the water bottle I brought with me. I don't know why I don't come here more often, its gorgeous over here. Not long later the same girl made it to the top. I smiled at her, receiving one back. She took out the kid and they sat down on the ground. They both looked off at the view. The morning sun was hitting her face just perfect. Her tan skin was golden with the sun. "I haven't seen you up here before," she told me, looking over at me.
"Just started running up here," I laughed.
"I can tell," she nodded, "I come here every morning with Lyla."
"Lyla is your?" I asked.
"Daughter," she nodded, looking away from me.
"She's cute," I smiled.
"Thank you," she smiled over at me. I nodded and watched as Lyla stood up and started to pick the flowers out of the ground. "I'm Lonzo by the way," I told her.
"Paisley," she smiled over at me then watched Lyla again.
"Maybe I could get your number?" I stood up. I could tell she was thinking about it. Lyla walked past her and came to me, handing me the bundle of flowers she had bunched in her hands. I laughed a bit and bent down, taking them from her. "I think these kind of beautiful flowers should belong to your mommy," I nodded.
"You!" Lyla shook her head.
"Thank you," I smiled and stood up again. Paisley walked over and handed me a piece of paper then picked Lyla up. "Hopefully I'll talk to you later," she smiled at me and then strapped Lyla back in the stroller and walked away. I opened the paper to see a number written down on it. I smiled a big and watched as she walked away.

*Paisley's pov*

I brought Lyla back to our apartment. It wasn't anything great but it worked for us. I brought her inside of our apartment and closed the door behind us. I got her out of her stroller and let her run to the living room, where her toys were. I folded her stroller back up and put it in the closet. I walked to the kitchen and started to make us our breakfast. I try to keep it as healthy as I can, for Lyla. I smiled over at her, as she played with her blocks. I made us breakfast and went and got her off the floor. "Breakfast time baby," I told her and she got excited. I put her in the highchair and put the plate down on the tray for her. I sat down and ate my food as she ate hers. I heard my phone go off. I got it off the counter and read the message.

It's Lonzo ;)

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