This Is What Love Is

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*Paisley's POV*

I pulled Lonzo over after a little bit. "I don't want the camera crew here babe," I whispered to him.
"Why?" he looked at me, "They have to be."
"I don't really, I don't know," I shrugged.
"It's okay babe," he nodded.
"It's not though," I shrugged, "Lyla is sick and I don't want camera's being shoved in her face."
"I get that," He nodded, "But they aren't doing that."
"Okay," I walked away from him and sat next to the bed by Lyla again. He shook his head a little bit and sat down on the other side of Lyla's bed. Him and his dad talked for a bit about what he was going to do about basketball and stuff because he has a game tomorrow night. "I'll go," he nodded, "But I don't think I'm going to stay for interviews and people are just going to have to deal with it."
"Yeah but I don't want you to be out of it tomorrow okay?" LaVar told him, "I know this is scary but you need to focus on the game tomorrow night and after you can worry about her."
"I know," he nodded.
"Good," LaVar nodded, "You better play good tomorrow."
"I will," Lonzo nodded. I colored on Lyla's coloring book with her while we waited for her food to come from the cafeteria. I just ignored the camera men, I didn't have the energy for I.


"You need to go to sleep baby," Lonzo sighed, rubbing my side, "You've been up since 3AM yesterday night."
"I cant sleep," I sighed, shaking my head, "I'm too worried about Lyla."
"I know baby but if something happens you'll hear it," he nodded, "And nurses have been coming in every hour to check up on her."
"I know but," I sighed, "I just cant sleep."
"I know it's hard baby," he held me close and sighed. I put my head on his chest and took a deep breath. My eyes never left Lyla's bed. "I just want her to be okay,"
"So do I babygirl," Lonzo rubbed my back, "More than anything." I nodded and sighed a little bit. He started to play with my hair as we cuddled on the pull out couch at the hospital. Laker went home with Mia and Corina for the night so he didn't have to stay here in the hospital. As I was thinking about Lyla and Laker, and our future my eyes started to drift off.


I woke up in the morning to Lonzo shaking me gently. "Is everything okay??" I asked, sitting up fast.
"It's perfect baby," he smiled at me. I felt a small pair of arms wrap around my legs. "Lyla?" I smiled big and rubbed my eyes. I picked her up and held her close. "It's 12 and we can go home. Lyla did great last night. Nothing unusual and this morning she was herself again," Lonzo explained. I smiled big and held her close. I gave her head a few kisses and smiled big. She just giggled. I stood up and set Lyla back on the ground. I rubbed my eyes again and Lonzo and I started to pack the stuff we had here. I texted Mia about Laker. "Mia said Laker did great last night," I smiled at him, "He woke up three times at night only."
"That's good," he smiled bigger at me. I nodded and picked Lyla up. "We go get ice cream!?" she squealed.
"I promised her ice cream if she let the doctor take her blood cause she was kind of freaking out,"  Lonzo laughed.
"You can have whatever you want baby," I smiled at her and walked out of the room. I took her downstairs and to the car. Lonzo put her bags in the car and I buckled her up.

We came home with ice cream for Mia and Corina as well. I handed Mia hers and giggled. "Ooo my favorite!" she smiled big and took a bite. Lyla ran over to Laker, who was laying in his swing. She started to tell him all about her experience in the hospital. I took a video of them and posted it on my snapchat. "Alright babe I need to go shower and then I have to head to the gym," he told me, pecking my lips.
"Okay," I smiled at him.
"You sure you're okay?" he asked.
"Yes Corina and Mia can stay with me," I giggled.
"Yes we can," Cori laughed.
"I'm down," Mia laughed.
"Okay," he gave me one last kiss then jogged upstairs.


"Okay so the X-rays show that tumor isn't growing at all," the doctor explained, "She is doing so good."
"Oh good," I smiled big. We are back at the hospital for a 6 month check up on Lyla's tumor. "I don't think that the tumor will continue to grow anymore," he shook his head, "I think we removed whatever was causing it to grow," he told us.
"Thank god," I smiled big and squeezed Lonzo's hand tight. I kissed his hand a few times and smiled small up at him. He gave Lyla a high five and she giggled. She got a sucker from he doctor and we were on our way back home to Mia, Kuzma, Laker, Corina, and Ingram.

"So?!" Mia asked.
"It grew again," I sighed.
"What?!" They all asked, their faces falling sad.
"No," I laughed, "She is better than ever!"
"Oh my god don't scare me like that!!" Cori slapped my shoulder. I laughed hard and smiled. "Thank god she's okay," Kuzma picked her up and threw her in the air as she screamed and laughed hard.
"I know," I smiled, "I'm so happy."
"We got our perfect little family," Lonzo wrapped his arm around me and smiled at me.
"We do," I smiled.
"I love you," he pecked my lips.
"I love you too," I smiled, "And you," I picked Laker up and gave him tons of kisses on his chubby cheeks.
"What about me!?" Lyla crossed her arms.
"And especially you!" I giggled and picked her up and gave her a ton of kisses as well.
"This is what love is," Mia giggled.

This is for the real the end now! I hope you enjoyed this book! I might continue Hardship, which is my other Lonzo book, but I'm not sure yet.

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