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By the time I got out of the shower, it was near four o'clock. I changed into something more comfortable before heading downstairs.

When I reached the bottom step, an idea popped into my head.

"Hey Charlie?" I asked, walking into the living room.


"Call Bella, and have her bring Edward in. I wanna meet him." I said, crossing my arms.

I wanted to meet this jackass. No one hurts my family and gets away with it.


When I saw Bella and Dickward pull up, I leaned against the fireplace. Waiting for the moment I can tear into the bastard.

"Dad? I'm home. I brought Edward like you asked."

"In here, Bella." Charlie said, from his recliner.

As soon as the two turned the corner, they froze.

"Aunt Belle?"

"Hey Bella. Why don't you go upstairs? I'm wanna talk to Edward here."

She seemed to hesitate.

"That wasn't a suggestion, Isabella." I said, with a little more authority in my voice.

"Yes ma'am."

She nodded towards Charlie, before heading upstairs. I waited until her door closed, before turning to Dickward.

"Have a seat." I said.

As he sat, I walked over and stood in front of him.

"Before I begin, you will address me as Ms. Swan, Corporal Swan, or ma'am, and you will not speak out of turn. Is that clear?"

"Yes, ma'am."

I sat down on the coffee table.

"What are your intentions with my niece?" I asked.

"Well, I'd like to stay as long as she'll have me."

It took everything I had to not snort in disbelief.

"Where do you see yourself after high school?"

"Going to college, becoming a doctor."

I spent the next forty five minutes interrogating him. Trying to get him to crack. After seeing no sign that he was gonna submit, I relented.

"Alright. I'll walk you out."

When we reached his car, I leaned in the passenger window.

"One more thing before you go," I said, my voice losing its 'cheery' tone. "If you ever, leave my niece in the forest again, I will burn every single piece of property you own. Am I making myself clear, Mr. Cullen?"


"Now get out of my sight."


"You're gonna do what?!" Bella shrieked at supper.

"I said, that I was gonna be following you around school tomorrow. I wanna see what's changed over the years. See if any of my old teachers are still there." I explained before taking a bite of Alfredo.


"Don't look at me." Charlie said.

Bella huffed before leaving the table.

'She's a load of trouble.' I noted mentally.

(Sorry, but I need to a question. I kind of want Bellatrix to know about vampires, but I want to know if you guys would be okay with it. Comment your idea on it. Also, the next has been started, so expect it to come out either next week, or the week after. See ya' soon!)

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