I know....

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Edit: November 14th, 2020

After I dropped Bella and Dickward off at the airport, I stopped by a book store in La Push, and grabbed a few books on mythology. On the way home, I called Charlie to tell him I'd be going for a hike for a while when I got back.

I stopped by a hiking equipment, and grabbed all I would need for the hike. I quickly changed into some hiking friendly clothes, and pulled my hair back before leaving again. There was something about Edward and his siblings that had been bothering me since I arrived. I had my suspicions. I just needed a clear head to process it.


I had been hiking for an three to four hours when I decided to take a break. I found a small path-like clearing and put down a small tarp I had packed. I put my tent down, and crawled inside. I pulled out my hand crank radio, wound it a number of times before laying my head on my bag. I relaxed my breathing, and closed my eyes.


I woke up to the sound of leaves rustling in the distance. I climbed out of my tent, and saw that it was night time. I packed up my belongings and headed out. Now, you might ask yourself, 'Why isn't she using a flash light?' That my dears, is a story for another time. I tried ignoring the sound as I made my way back.

I jumped over a small stream, and was preparing to do a little tight rope like walking, when a flash of red caught my eye. I looked over the edge. My eyes widened as I watched a group of vampires chase a lone female. I looked to the other side, and saw two giant wolves running parallel with the vampires.

"What the......Alice? Jasper?" I whispered in disbelief.

I looked at the others. It seemed like the whole Cullen family was there!

They were right in the middle of it. I tighted the straps on my bag, and followed them from above. I pushed my legs as fast as they could carry me. The red-haired vamp jumped across the ravine, with Alice's brother following her.

One of the wolves collided with the boy, knocking him to the ground. I scaled down the cliff side, and dropped my bag. I could feel the bones in my face break, and reshape as I let my animal side come out. I had only done this once, and it nearly cost me my life.

I shed my clothes, laying them by a tree. My feet ripped through the boots I was wearing, rendering them useless for later use. Once I was done, I let out a roar.

The vampire and wolf stopped snarling, and turned their heads towards me. I snarled at the vampire, getting in between him and the wolf. The wolf made another attempt at the vampire, but I tackled him to the ground.

I looked at the wolf, and vampires, letting out a warning snarl before bounding off into the woods.


I woke up late the next day, exhausted. After my encounter with the wolves and vampires, I headed straight home. I snuck in the bathroom window, and managed to get into my room without Charlie waking up.

My bones were on fire, and I had the worst migraine I ever had. I took a cold shower, in hopes of the water cooling me off. After the shower, I changed into something comfortable. I sat on my bed, trying to figure out what to do about last night, when I heard a car pull up to the house.

I looked out the window to see Edward and Bella getting out of Edward's car. I walked downstairs, and opened the door.

"Glad to see you made it back in one piece." I said.

"I can keep myself safe, you know." Bella said.

I snorted.

"Says the girl who 'fell' through a window."


We were at the table eating supper, when my phone wrang.


"Is this Corporal Swan?"

"This is she." I said, stepping into the other room.

"This is Sergeant Johnson. Am I interrupting anything?"

"No sir. What can I help you with?"

"I have something that I wish to discuss with you. Are you free tomorrow?"

"Yes sir. Where should I meet you?"

"Can you be in Port Angeles tomorrow afternoon?"

"Yes sir. Name the time and place, and I'll be there, sir."

After the phone call ended, I quickly finished my food, and headed upstairs. Tired as hell, and wanting nothing more than to sleep.

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