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"Ahhhh your here!" Maggie squealed and ran to Poppy for a hug as soon as she got out of the car. The uber driver just rolled his eyes at them and helped Poppy bring down her suitcase's. 

"I can't believe your finally here! its been so long my dear Pops! i've missed my dearest friend!" Maggie said. 

"I know, i cant believe its been over a year since i've seen you! it feels soo much longer!" 

"tell me about your flight! did you meet any cuties on the plane?" Maggie winked at Poppy. 

Poppy just rolled her eyes at her friend as they walked into the entrance of Maggie's apartment complex. She stood there stunned for a few minutes, Maggie had gotten the opportunity of a lifetime last summer and started working for an online streaming site. It was a dream come true for her. Poppy couldn't help but feel a tad bit jealous of her friend, she was living a good lifestyle and she had it all figured out. 

"well the-" She started. 

"wait! i totally forgot to tell you! we are going to a movie premiere party in downtown LA! theres gonna be tons of celebrities, and you cant say no because i already RSVP'd us to attend!" Maggie interrupted.   

"I have nothing to wear!" Poppy exclaimed. 

"well thank goodness we live 2 minutes away from a shopping center!" Maggie said, looking at her friend all excited. 

"As long as i don't have to wear something slutty, i'm game" Poppy replied. 

the two of them head up the elevator to Maggie's floor. Luckily for Poppy she wasnt afraid of heights, because Maggie lived on the 10th floor. 

As the door opened Maggie and Poppy made their way into her apartment. Tristian was sitting on the couch watching some vlogger on youtube. 

"I can't believe you watch those weirdos" Poppy said. 

Tristian turned around and gave her a smile

"Poppy! im glad you're here! Tell me all about your flight! i hope it was a smooth one."

Tristian was a good looking guy. He was pretty tall, about 6'3 and had shoulder length brown hair and green eyes. Maggie and him had been dating since their sophomore year of high school when they were both just lanky kids but now theyre both one of the most attractive people she has ever seen. Maggie was always adventurous when it came to her looks, and now wasnt any different. She had a brown to pink ombre hair style and her nose was pierced and had a sleeve full of tattoos. Poppy had always wanted to be like her, but like always she just settled for her long curly blonde hair. At least she had pretty green eyes she always thought. 

"It was a good flight. Thanks for asking!"

"OKay, enough catching up. Go set your stuff down Poppy so we can go SHOOOOPPING!!" Maggie yelled from the kitchen. 

Poppy and Tristian rolled their eyes at her and she went into the bedroom to set her stuff down. 


Poppy was starring  at herself in the mirror as she put on the black slim dress she purchased on her shopping excursion with Maggie. She felt her outfit was missing something so she dug through her suitcase and found a red lipstick she had packed and put it on. She finished getting ready and joined Maggie and Tristian, who was still sitting on the couch watching Youtube videos. Maggie turned and gave you a thumbs up.

"Girl if you dont find someone tonight, ill take you home myself" 

Tristian laughed and got up to gave Maggie a quick kiss on the cheek. Then he went over to Poppy and gave her a hug. 

"Well ladies, have fun! and be safe please. I dont want to get calls from a police station that i need to bail you out" 

"Okay Dad!"They both yelled and walked out the front door. 

As soon as they got to the party there were camera men and paparazzi everywhere. 

"Are you sure I'm allowed to come?" Poppy asked Maggie 

"Yes, dont worry! Just have fun okay? You definitely need it" She said.

As Poppy walked in she glanced around the room, taking in the beauty of the venue. There was chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and everything was gold and black. It was absolutely breath taking and it made Poppy feel out of place even more. She looked at Maggie and saw how she fit in with her sparkling silver floor length dress designed by no other then Mr. Gucci himself. Her mouth dropped when Maggie told her how much the dress had cost her. 

"Thats like a years worth of rent for me!" She exclaimed. Maggie just waived her hand and told her that her boss was paying for it since its a work event.

"Lets go get a drink!" Maggie said and grabbed Poppy's arm and dragged her to the bar. When they arrived to the bar Poppy heard someone say  her name. Surprised as to how someone here could know who she is, she turned around and saw those same piercing blue eyes she saw earlier today at the airport. 

"Oh hey!" She said, sounding a little over excited to be seeing him again. "Logan right?" She asked jokingly. 

"Ouch!" He put his hand over his heart. "Thanks for forgetting who i am so quickly!" he said flashing a smile at her. She smiled back and Maggie interrupted them. 

"Oh Mr. Paul! Its so nice to meet you. I've heard quite a lot of things about you!"

"All good i hope" He said to Maggie. 

"Oh of course. My boyfriend is obsessed with your videos!" 

"Videos?" Poppy asked. Maggie looked at her like she had just said a horrible word. 

"Please excuse my friend Mr.Paul. She's clearly been living under a rock" Maggie said to Poppy elbowing her. 

"Ouch!" Poppy exclaimed rubbing the spot Maggie elbowed. "Im assuming when she says videos, she means youtube right?" Poppy asked Logan. 

Logan just grinned and pointed to his camera man "I dont just have a guy following me around with a camera for fun." 

Poppy blushed and just laughed "No I guess you wouldn't" 

Maggie said she had to make the rounds for work, but as she walked away she turned back to Poppy and gave her a wink and spanking motion towards Logan. 

Poppy just laughed and turned back to him. "So Mr. Youtube. how come i've never heard about you?" she asked. 

"Well like your friend said. You must be living under a rock. Actually, i've only been doing it for a year but we are the fastest growing channel out there" he said taking a bow. 

"Well sir, i guess i'd have to give you a clap of congratulations" She said. Logan turned around for a second and said something to his camera man. He must have told him to take a break because a second later he was turning the camera off and walking away. 

"I hope im not going to be in your next video!" Poppy said, worried.  

"Dont worry. I mostly film alot of crazy things that people want to see. It mostly has to do with Clickbait. Although a sexy girl like you on my video would be one hell of a clickbait" He said giving her a sexy look.

Poppy just blushed and laughed it off. 

"Listen, i have the rest of the night free. Would you like to get out of here? Maybe show you around the fun parts of LA?" He asked. 

Poppy turned back to Maggie. She must of overheard him ask her because she was nodding her head and pointing at the door. Poppy pulled out her phone and shot her a text real quick and turned back to Logan. 

"Alright Mr.Paul show me around town" 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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