Choice Your Own Adventure part 2

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“QUITE” You yell “let's go to the hunting shop,and Peter sorry.”

You, Peter, and Henry head into the hunting shop and get ambushed by 14 zombies you manage to fight them off but you were bitten Henry is dead and Peter is so tired that he probably couldn't even fight off one more zombie.

“Peter,I was bitten.” You tell him

“What?” Peter said with so much surprised that his eyes were wide “are you sure?” He asked

“Yes.” You respond

“Let me look.” Peter said as he got closer

You should him your left arm.

“No you aren't.” Peter said

“Yes I am,I can feel the pane,ow,and I can see the blood running down.” You say as you look at your bite

“No it is a bunch of glass pieces in your arm.” Peter said as he pulled one out  

“OW!” You yelled

“Look.” Peter said as he showed you a glass pieces from your arm

“OK,you win.” You say trying not to scream

Peter pulls out the rest of the glass pieces and babegis your arm.

“OK,so looks like someone else got here first.” You say looking around

“It does.” Peter said as he reloaded his revolver

“Let's go to the car shop.” You say as you leave the hunting shop

You and Peter leave the hunting shop and start walking towards the car shop. When you get a thare you find a lot of zombies but this time you could see them ahead so you were able to enter it through the back.

“Peter,we should split up.” You say

“Yeah, good idea.” Peter said as he pull out his revolver

You start looking around and find a cooler full of food,the key room and what you think is a power generator. You continue to look at it when you start to hear gun shots going off you run towards them and finds Peter trying to fight off all of the zombies that you avoid erley.

“John!” Peter said “There is a power generator over there.”

“I found one to and guess what we don't have to shoot are way to it.” You say as you shoot a zombie in the head

“oh you could have told me that before I started shooting.” Peter said as he followed you to it

You get to the generator when Peter said

“Yep that is a power generator.”

“Cool.” You say “Now can you help me find another truck.” You say as you enter the key room

You look around and find the keys to a truck. You leave the key room though the back window and Peter locks the door to the key room and said to you

“Get the truck over here I will try to hald them off.”

You nod and run off to find the truck you don't have any luck be then you notes the panic button and press it. You run for the truck get in tern it one and drive to Peter.

“About time.” Peter said as he lode the generator into the back

When he is done you drive away just In time to not have Peter eaten. You are driving when you come to a brig you think it doesn't look stable but Peter said that it should be able to hold your weight. Do you drive across or do you drive the long way around.

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