twenty seven [real life]

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Friday afternoon Charlie, Marilyn and Donna where in the hotel room getting ready, each of them luckily where heading towards the same awards and each of them had their respective dates. Charlie with Tom, Donna with Shawn and Marilyn with Harrison, which caused the girls question Marilyn many questions about their relationship, which they were all answered by, no and no.

Donna didn't leave her phone in any moment, texting Shawn, her friends knew it was him since a smile didn't leave the blondes' face

"D, come on, tell us! are you and Shawn dating?" Marilyn asked as her hairstylist was curling her hair

"What? no we aren't, well not yet, he hasn't asked the famous question" Donna turned around as the zipper of her dress was being fixed "Now moving the subject, Charlie, are you and Tom dating?"

The brunette giggled and shook her head as her makeup artist started choosing a lipstick for her, Charlie turned to see her friends waiting for a response, she knew they were so desperate to know

"Well I guess we are, we kissed and well he called me girlfriend and i called him boyfriend" a red tone appeared on the face of Charlie as her smile grew and her cheeks hurt a bit, the shrieks of happiness were heard from both of her friends

"Oh my tomlie heart" Marilyn screamed of joy as she stood up from her chair with her hair done and hugged Charlie squeezing her a bit too tight

"I am so happy for you guys, gosh this will be your first appearance as a couple, i want to text it and tweet it and shout it out to the world" Donna said putting her heels on as she danced of joy her hips moving side to side

In 20 minutes the girls were ready and waiting for their respective dates to show up at the door picking them up. Donna was the first to leave, Shawn with his bright smile and his black suit, looking dashing with Donna by his side.

"Calm down mari" Charlie said as she sat down on the bed as the brunette moved side to side her phone hitting the palm of her right hand "they will be here, breathe and sit down next to me"

A few knocks on the door where heard and both girls smiled widely as Marilyns' assistant opened the door to reveal two gorgeous guys in a tux, one in a black tux and the other in a red one.

"Girls, the guys are here" Nicole said as both male walked inside and smiled, both amazed on how the girls looked

"Wow" both said at the same time making the girl blush, Charlie felt so happy and her heart was beating fast, her hands were a bit sweaty and she felt like she needed more perfume

In another hand Marilyn was happy, a happy nervous, her hands were shaking and Harrison saw that since he walked towards her and grabbed both of her hands and kissed her knuckles

"You look gorgeous, come on" he said and pulled her gently to him "we will wait outside" his eyes looked towards Tom who nodded and both of them walked outside leaving Tom and Charlie alone

"You look-" a chuckle came off both of them as they spoke at the same time as well "You look amazing" Tom gave her the compliment and walked slowly towards the brunette

"You look amazing too, very handsome" her words were almost like a whisper but he could hear her, his hand touched hers and his fingers hold onto Charlie's

His right and free hand cupped the females' cheek pulling her close into him, setting a kiss in her lips, she didn't have to tip toe anymore thanks to the heels she was wearing, her hands settled on his waist and kissed him back

"excuse me lovebirds" a female voice was heard and both teenagers broke their kiss to look at Nicole with crossed arms and a smile "we better leave now" she said and winked at Charlie before walking out the room

Charlie chuckled and hid her face on Tom's chest as she felt a bit embarrassed on what just happened, the male grabbed her hand and walked outside the hotel door being closed automatically.


"Are you ready?" the british accent was heard near the females' ear as she nodded, Charlie looked to her left to see Marilyn smiling back at her, the brunette took a deep breath as the door opened revealing the sound of screaming people and flashes, Tom walked out of the car waving, holding his hand out to her, Charlie grabbed it tight, being careful on not falling or tripping with her dress.

"Tom! Tom!" the screaming of photographers and fans were filling the ears of both actors, the bright lights of the cameras were blinding the female, she walked closer to Tom to get some balance, her arm was wrapped on his and he looked down at her with a smile.

"Breathe" Tom whispered into her ear before walking the red carpet, stopping brief moments for pictures, individually and together, some other times for an interview, it was mainly Tom giving the interviews, making Charlie stand next to Harrison and Marilyn, mostly Harrison since Marilyn ended up vlogging.

"Are you feeling okay?" Harrison asked Charlie as his arm pushed gently into her shoulder trying to get her attention

"Um... yeah, is just way too much, more than what I imagined, the scream premiere is nothing like this" she stated out the obvious as she waved at some girls who recognized her

Charlie smiled at Tom who was walking towards her, he grabbed her hand and pulled her closed to him on the carpet, the photographers started screaming both of their names, questions and more flashes, she looked up to Tom and smiled widely, looking at every faction of his face, his clenched jaw, his tiny wrinkles at the end of his eyes, his not so straight nose, his parted lips, everything about him was making her smile, she still couldn't believe she was here with him.

Tom looked at her, causing the brunette to look away for a moment and back to his brown eyes, without thinking, without a warning, Tom's lips found his way to press a gentle kiss on Charlie's lips, causing girls to scream and the lights burn brighter.

This was it, the moment their relationship went public. Tomlie was now real.

it was probably something like this idk

it was probably something like this idk

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