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Warning: Lots of death, blood, generally nightmarish scenes. I will put a summary at the start of the next chapter so feel free to skip this one if any of those things make you uncomfortable.


That was all he could see.

Pitch black.



Virgil leant forwards, trying to find a way through the ugly blackness. To find something that could give him an inkling of where he was.

Steel bars.

That was all he could find.

Strips of steel bars surrounded him, each side and above, closing in around him.

Suddenly, a bright light flickered infront of him, illuminating everything, the bars, the floor, the figure standing in front of him.

Who looked a lot like Patton.


"Patton?" Virgil called, feeling as though he had never spoken before, his voice coming out scratchy and rough.

A smirk appeared on Patto- the figure's face. It wasn't Patton. It couldn't be.

The cardigan that was usually wrapped around his shoulders had red stains on it, the sleeves dripping down his blood-soaked shirt. His hair was messy and stuck to his forehead, also tinted red. Everything loveable about the father figure had been horridly warped.

He- It let out a cackle and Anx cowered in the corner of the cage.

"Virgil!" He heard something in the distance. Someone calling. It must've been in his head. Nobody would want to rescue him. Nobody liked him. Nobody-

"VIRGIL!" There it was again. Definitely not in his head. The figure looked around, anger on his face. This was obviously not a part of It's plan. Whatever that was.

He wanted to shout out. To let whoever it was know that he was there. That if they were looking for him (why they would be was still a mystery), he was there.

But he couldn't.

He couldn't speak.

He tried to rattle the bars, tried to do anything to let them know.

The figure cackled again.

Something bright shone in the darkness.

It was golden and long.

And sword-shaped.

And quickly followed by a white-clad prince.

And a nerd.

"Virgil! Are you ok?" Roman called, spotting the other cowering in the steel cage.

"Let him go you monster." Logan piped up, still a safe distance behind Roman. The figure turned around and smiled at the intruders.

"Patton?" They said simultaneously, though Logan seemed more heartbroken.

Princey lowered his sword and Logan took a step closer to It.

The rest happened in slow motion:

'Patton' swung around and caught Princey in the throat and stomach, causing him to drop the sword and double over in pain. The weapon shattered as it hit the floor. Then, he somehow managed to curl his hand around Logan's neck, cutting off his air and lifting him off the ground.

It was silent.

Except for the choking noises that were coming from the Logical side.

There was a 'CRACK'.

'Patton' let go.

Logan's lifeless body hit the ground, blood dripping from his nose and mouth, pooling at the side of his face. His eyes stared at Virgil's through broken glasses.

Virgil wanted to scream but no noise came out.

Roman launched himself at It, a newly-formed sword in his hand. 'Patton' brushed him off easily, taking hold of the sword and thrusting it through the prince's chest. The royals dead body slumped on the ground, motionless.

Once again, It's attention turned to Anx, sword in hand and glint in eye.

It raised the sword.

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