wtf am i doing here

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here have a video you wonderful spacepotatos or just whoever has decided they might as well spend their what could have been useful time but is now a waste of time on this horrible book i have made..... yay!

if there are any hunter x hunter fans here you might get a kick out of this

( its a metaphor no one is actually going to come up behind you from wherever you're reading/watching and kick you in the side or something)

if you have not watched HxH plz don't let this discourage you from watching it, its a wonderful anime (but just have some tissues prepared just in case) with lots of good characters

except for Hisoka, Hisoka is like the magician cousin of Tsukiyama, and if you don't know Tsukiyama, lets just say their both trash

( don't get me wrong their both like my fav characters of their respective anime's but you have to agree that they are trash)

anyways goodbye for now

( or forever)

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