Entry 2

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Win for Hope. Win for Hope. Win for hope.All I can think about are those three words. I step onto the train and pause. I look back behind me and only see the guard. “Keep going.” he says in a monotone voice.  I sigh, knowing that was going to be his answer. I turn back and walk a little further to the luxury train. Once I walk in, I am immediately greeted with perky Molly Trinket.

  “Welcome, welcome! Please have a seat and make yourself at home!” She smiles at me and her sympathetic eyes make me almost want to burst into tears. I hold the urge in, and give her a weak smile which is all I can manage. I shuffle past her and slump in one of the high sleek black chairs that shape around a glass dining table. I look up at her. “ I’ll show you your room in a minute Hun,” She says and starts walking in the other direction of the train. “ I just need to show Edward’s room first, then find your mentor. I’ll be right back!!” She says cheerily and she walks out of my site, her heels clicking in the distance.~

Molly comes back looking irritated. “ Alright dear come follow me.” She says and I get off the chair, and trail behind her tall figure. She leads me down the train and we pass by a few doors that look the same, nice shined wood with golden metal locks. She opens the last door on the left and  I follow her inside. “ Here's your room darling, there's clothes for you in the drawers, and there's a phone over there,” She points to the phone on the nightstand by the bed. “ To call for servants if you need anything.” She finishes and gives me a warm smile. She smiles a lot... I wonder if she enjoys preparing people for slaughter. I would hate to have a job like this knowing where the tributes end up in the end… Molly’s smile falls, and it takes me a moment to realize that I said the last part out loud and guilt starts swallowing my chest. “ I-I’m sorry… I didn't mean-”

 “ No it’s okay.” Molly cuts me off and looks down at the shined tiled floor. She turns her back to me and right before she exits out the door, she stops and turns to look at me. “ Dinner is at 6:00, i’ll come get you before then.” She says and closes the door behind her. I think I offended her… I sigh and head to the dresser that has a large mirror on top of it. It reminds me of something a princess would stand in front of when she combs her hair. I look at my reflection and the girl with dark brown eyes look back at me with no hint of emotion. So dark they look black, reflecting how my soul feels. I open the first drawer, and rummage through the drawer and my hand feels cold metal. I pick it up to find a nice pair of scissors. Without thinking, I reach up and get a strand of my hair. I hold my hair in one hand and with the other I slowly chop it off. The strand falls  to my shoulder and I keep  cutting across using my neck as reference. I need a new identity. I know from the moment I got chosen I would never be the same Eva Wilder. My hair is just a memory and a reminder of what I can never have again.. I chop the next strand. To my brother… and your betrayal… The next one. To my parents and your sacrifice… The last one. To everything I’m leaving behind...I look at my handiwork, and for once in the whole day. I smile. A real one.

 Theirs a knock on my door, after a couple of hours of trying to sleep in the cold silken sheets of my bed. I didn't sleep though, my mind always wanders to an image of someone drowning me,  or someone stabbing my insides to smithereens. “ Dinnertime darling!!” I hear Molly’s chirpy voice from the other side of the door. At this moment I wish the bed would swallow me. I really don’t want to go; but if I even want to stand a chance in these Games then I need some support from my mentor, who will be at dinner. I force myself out of bed and head out of my room in the same dress I wore for reaping. It’s the only thing I have left of home and I would like to hold onto home a little while longer.

 I push open the door, and walk back down the train to the dining area. Immediately, Molly notices me first and pats the seat next to her.I hesitantly look around and my eyes land on  Edward and a woman maybe in her late 20’s with short black hair and blue eyes who im guessing is our mentor. They just stare at me as I stand there awkwardly, and I slowly slide down in the seat next to Molly. As I do so, my eyes widen a little at the site of all the food that cover the whole table, hardly leaving any space. “Here ya go hun.” Molly passes me a plate and I watch Edward keep piling his till it looks like a mountain. It strange how easily I remembered his name. I guess I’m just trying to keep track of the people who might kill me. I stare at all the choices and slowly pile my plate with chicken, salad, mashed potatoes, and a bunch of other stuff that I don’t recognize.

The Writing Games- Dedicated to GenerousityGirls/LillyDoomWhere stories live. Discover now