We are vessels, containers of emotions. Like a jar of water we’re filled and emptied of feelings, those feelings are what drive us; lead us to behave the way we do. In this world we’re hollow shells, thriving to get our hands on various emotions. I remember when I was 6 years old; my dad came through the door, wearing a hollow smile on his thin lips. He called us, me, my mom and my two sisters to gather around. He had brought us happiness, I remember that day vividly for it was the first time I tasted happiness. Happiness was a dazzling yellow liquid, shining so brightly, it smelled like freesia and tasted like apricot. So sweet and delicious. Later when I reached a certain age I understood that those tiny bottles were Joy, a medium, mass produced happiness for the middle class.
ContoWe are vessels, containers of emotions. Like a jar of water we're filled and emptied of feelings, those feelings are what drive us...