That Famous Smile (Dave Branon)

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The prospect of the righteous is joy

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The prospect of the righteous is joy.
Proverbs 10:48

Read: Psalm 28:6-9

Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 32-33;
Hebrews 1

After my wife and I had the privilege of visiting the Louvre in Paris, I called our eleven-year-old granddaughter Addie on the phone. When I mentioned seeing da Vinci's famous painting Mona Lisa, Addie asked, "Is she smiling?"

Isn't that the big question surrounding this painting? More than 600 years after Leonardo captured this subject in oil, we still don't know if the lady was smiling or not. Though enraptured by the painting's beauty, we are unsure of about Mona Lisa's demeanor.

The "smile" is part of the intrigue of the painting. But how important is this anyway? Is smiling something the Bible mentions? In reality, the word appears less than five times in Scripture, and never as something we are told to. However, the Bible does suggest for us an attitude that leads to smiles–and that is the word joy. Nearly 250 times we read about joy: "My heart leaps for joy," David says as he thinks about the Lord (Ps. 28:7); God's statutes are "the joy of [our] heart" (199:111); and we are "filled with joy" because "the Lord has done great things for us" (126:3).

Clearly, the joy God provides through everything He has done for us can bring a smile to our face

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Clearly, the joy God provides through everything He has done for us can bring a smile to our face.

You are a good Father, dear God, and You do make us smile. You provide joy that is beyond what anything the world can offer. Help us show that joy to others by our countenance.

Hope in the heart puts a smile on the face.

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