Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Miranda, open up!" Aaron yelled as he banged on his sister's door. "We're going to be late!"

Miranda groggily opened the door and looked at her twin brother questioningly, "W-what's going on?"

Aaron looked at his sister in disbelief. "Oh I don't know. Basketball. Game. Tonight. You. Me. Riley," he stated flatly.

Recognition flashed through her eyes and immediately slammed the door on her brother's face.

Unbelievable. He thought. Leave it to Miranda to forget about their plans.

As he was walking away he heard a crash and a series of grumbles coming from the other side of the door.

Shaking his head he went back to his room. For the millionth time he checked the time and got even more annoyed.

"This is all your fault you know," Aaron glared once he saw his childhood friend.

"What did I do this time?" Riley asked.

"Dude, you invited my sister to the game that we have been raving about for months."

Riley rolled his eyes at his friend's overreaction.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," Aaron said getting fed up.

"Dude, it's just your sister."

"Exactly, it is my sister." Aaron glared. "Do you think I'm some kind of an idiot."

Riley froze, "What a-are you t-talking about man?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"I do not," Riley denied as he visibly paled.


Looking at the mirror, Miranda felt self conscious as she looked at her knitted jumper to her converse covered feet. Her door suddenly flew open.

"Hey, we better get going if we want to make it in- woah!" Riley said as he eyes traveled over her body.

"Riley?" Miranda asked.

Riley visibly gulped as he stared at Miranda's face, "We better get going soon."

"Hey, what are you two standing around for? Chop chop! Let's go," Aaron interrupted the two with a knowing smirk. "You two weren't making out, were you?" He winked at his friend.

Riley internally face palmed as he planned how to slowly kill his friend in his mind.

"Of course not!" Miranda yelled with her cheeks warming up.

"Sure," Aaron teased as he made his way down the stairs.

Scratching the back of his head, "Are you ready to go?" Riley asked looking at her.

"Yeah," she whispered shyly.

"Ladies first," he said making a hand gesture. Miranda followed his lead and walked a head of him.

"Mom, we're leaving!" Yelled Aaron once he saw the pair walking down the stairs.


"We have court side seats?!" Miranda exclaimed excitedly to her brother once she saw the tickets.

"Yeah, my Dad knows a guy." Riley said casually. Be cool, Riley. Be cool.

"Hey, I think I see a couple of guys from the team. Be right back," Aaron said walking off.

Looking down at the girl beside him, "Do you want to buy anything from the food stand?"

She looked up at him from her eyelashes and nodded.

They waited in line for a bit, but once they got to the front there was a skimpy looking cashier looking bored out of her mind but once she saw Riley, she immediately perked up and straightened herself up.

"And what can I get for you, big boy?"

Miranda couldn't help but laugh once she saw the frightened look that flashed through Riley's expression.

The girl turned to Miranda with an evil gleam in her eyes once she saw her. Maxine immediately gulped and hid behind Riley.

"Aww... And you brought your little sister with you. How old are you, 12?"The girl sneered making Miranda hide behind Riley.

Riley was about to defend her when she tugged on the back of his shirt. "I think I'll just go to the restroom," she whispered defeatedly.

She quickly walked away before he could even put in a word.

She felt dejected as she walked with her head down. Being with Riley today brought back memories that she missed, but reality just had to slap her in the face that she would never be good enough for him. As she walked aimlessly through the stadium, Miranda didn't notice a hooded figure heading straight towards her with a group of teenage girls running after him.

Author's Note:

Tell me what you think of the first chapter.

Vote. Comment. <3

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