How we meet PT.1

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Karma POV

Before 1st year I was a cold heartless being who only cared for him self. I would beat up people. Bully everyone. Had a gang but never really liked them. But that all changed in the summer before 1st year. I meet a boy he was laying the street. He was injured badly. At first I was just gonna walk by. He probably gotten in a fight with somebody he shouldn't messed with.

He started coughing up blood. I decided to walk closer to get closer look at the boy. He also had a big scar on his stomach. With lots and lots of blood coming out. I felt kinda bad just leaving him to die. I picked him up. And brought him to my house. I layed him to my bed. I looked at him for awhile. He had light blue eyes and hair. He looked so innocent like a girl doll but wearing a boy uniform.
(Warning this sence will be talking about bras if you are not mature for this part pls skip about 2 paragraphs ) (no lemon will happen calm down 😜 )

I unbuttoned his shirt and
..... Wait a bra that means HE I MEAN SHE'S A GIRL. I looked away blushing. I to toke of the shirt. I knew this girl is gonna kill me after she wakes up but I had no choice the scar
was to big to take just half of the shirt plus I had to clean the blood of the shirt. I cleaned the blood of the girl and bandaged it up. I got a clean shirt out of my closet and put it on her.

I brought the bloody shirt down to the laundry room and cleaned it up. I wondered why she was wearing a school a boys uniform. I went back up to the room she was still unconscious.
I brought my chair next to the bed and sat down.Soon I became tired and then the next moment I fell asleep.
(it's ok to read now if you skipped👌)
I woke up to blue eyes starring at me in confusion.
"Um sir were am I and who are you" She asked.
Sir? I know I'm tall but not that tall to seem like an adult. Do I? I mean compare to her maybe?
"I found you on the streets you were cover with blood and you were unconscious so I brought you home to heal the scar. "

"Oh thank you for helping me.Im Nagsia" She said with a big fake smile. She looked like she was about to cry but why?

"Im Karma.What happened to you to get that scar"

"Oh I just got into a fight"
She said. I could tell she was lieing. She looked down onto her shirt. Well my shirt. She realised she was not in the boys uniform and started blushing and looked at me in a sweet little smile.

"Your not mad? " I asked

"N--no... Y-you were only trying t--to help me. "She stammered.I was supirsed she didn't I could tell she was enbrassed. I wanted to ask why she was wearing a boys school but didn't. I thought she might be a tomboy or something...

We had a awkward silence. Until she started tearing up and
muttered " Why (hic) wasnt I born a boy". I could hardly hear it but I heard it.

" Oh nothing" She said in that fake big smile again.
"Stop lieing about being alright. That smile is fake and you know it. "-karma
She looked down " How can a trust you" She asked.
"I just saved you I deserve to know "I answered

" Fine... The scar is form my mom. She... beated me up for my... Gender." She said in tears.

"What? "-karma

" My mom wanted a boy so she forced me to wear boys uniform. And calls me he. Talks to me like a boy. Treats me like a boy. Puts on my school gender as a boy so every one in my school calls me a boy. I even go to the boys bathroom just to make her smile."

"Why didn't you every stand up for yourself. "-Karma

" You see I did" She started crying again"I had my time of the date and asked her for... You know... Pads.. She told me I'm a boy I don't need those. I yelled at her and told her that I was a girl not a boy. I told her I was sick and tired of acting like a boy. She gave me a death glare and started yelling that everything she does was the best for me. And that I should be happy to have a home. I she got a wooden plank and hit me with it. Said that I was the worst son ever and hated me with her guts. She picked me up and brought me to a street and threw me down and left." She covered her face form letting me see her tears. I was shocked and I thought my life was bad.

She continued "My mom never let me have friends so no one will know I was a girl. She always wanted me to get at least a B+ nothing under that unless she would not give me dinner for the night some times days" She kept tell me about her mom. I wonder how did Nagisa still love her mom after everything shes done to Nagisa. After that she kept crying. Louder and louder and louder it gotten. I hugged her.

"I'll be your friend if you want. "

She started tearing up "Thank you"
And huge me back. I started blushing. This was my 1st hug with a girl. I started blushing bright red.

We broke the hug. She couldn't walk so I told her she could sleep in my room. And I'll just sleep in my parents room since their never there. She asked why. I just said "business" which was partly true. I went in to my parents room and wonder why was I being nice to this girl I just meet.
People said I was born form the Devil. A cold heartless being who cares nothing but himself. So only I feel in to sleep again.

(CLIFFHANGER. Im so evil)
____________________________________Hey WELCOME TO MY NEW BOOK I HOPED YOU ENJOYED IT. I know it was a long chapter. The next chapter will posted on

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