How we meet part 3

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                                                                                      Nagisa POV 

 I looked at the time."O i got to go my probably waiting."  i said in a hurry. 

"Why would you want to go back for?" Karma asked.

"She needs me with out me she might go crazy. Crazier then now. " i said looking down.

"Fine, but I'm coming with you." he sighed

I smiled at him. Then we left to my house.

                       Karma POV

We walked a few blocks until we reached to a small 2 floor house.
We rang the door bell. A woman with dark blue hair opened the door.
"NAGISA! There you are i was looking for you every where. Thank you man for bringing my SON home." she said. She actual fooled me for a second there.
Nagisa went inside. Then the woman closed the door. I went up to the window and saw Nagisa being hit with a baseball bat and kicked. Then her mother told her to go up stairs and stay there with no food until her business trip in 5 day. I slowly left the small house.

                      Nagisa Pov

I went up to my room and then lad in my bed. The i heard a lock in the door. I ran to the door. Trying to open it. I look at my desk there was a 10 water bottles. I couldn't believe it. Tears went down my face. I started crying again and again a couldn't stop until i heard a knock on the window. It was KARMA. I walked to the window and opened it. Karma was sitting in the tree next to my house. He was carrying a bag with him but why. "What are you doing here?" i asked
"I heard what happened so got some food for ya " he said in a big fat smile .

I look at him in tears

"Why are you crying did i say some thing wrong?" he asked.

"No no no. Its just that no one has ever been so nice to me." i said with a small smile.
"Thank you."

He handed me the bag. We said our good byes. Every day until i was free he bought me food and gave it to me. I didn't know why is so nice to me but. I think my savior has final come.
1 week later. Karma and Nagisa hanged out everday up until now. Nagisa mother will be in her business trip until October. So Nagisa is by her own. ALSO this week is the summer festival.
                    Karma POV

"Hey Karma want to come with me to the summers festival tomorrow?" Nagisa asked

"Is it a date?" I smirked

"Sure i don't see why not." she said with a smile.
I was just joking but....i kinda do want it to be a date....
"Wait. Your not serious right?" i asked.
"Im serious. Its just as freinds right?"

My heart started racing. I felt my cheeks getting red. I looked the other way.
                     The Date
                    Karma POV
Walked into the festival with some black jeans and a dark red shirt. I looked around for Nagisa.

"Hey Karma!" a familiar voice yelled. I turned around . It was Nagisa. She wasnt wearing a kimono like everyone else but im not nether.
"Hey Nagisa!"

"What do you want to do?"

"Theres a gun shooting game over there i would like to try."


When they got there they gave us 2 bb guns. We had to shoot 5 out of the 12 to get a prize. I went 1st I hit 8/12.
"Good job Karma now let a pro show you how its done." she said with a smirk.

" Oh is that so."

She held it the gun with 1 hand and shoot all 12 of them. While doing that she had the deadliest eyes i ever seen.

"Shocked, my dad is a gunsmith so he thought me how to use one." she said with a smirk.

"Ill tell you i wasn't expecting that."

She giggled
We played a few more games and ate some food and left. We parted ways. It started storming when i got to the bus stop. When i got home I called Nagisa. No answer. I called again and again. No answer i started runing to her house. I knocked on a door. No answer. Were can she be...

"Hold Me Tighter"(female.nagisaxKarma) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now