The mistreatment of potatos

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Today I'm going to be talking about the mistreatment of potato's.
For a long time people have believed that potato's have no self conscience, although according to recent studies it has been found that their cells shown signs of emotions.

An example of a cell showing signs of emotions is the change in energy waves throughout the mitochondria similar to some animal cells. So please try to explain to me why many animals are protected from the greedy mouths of humankind.

Although potato's are quite common in daily society there have been times that the selfish have used so many of their kind that they achieved the title of endangered. The most known example is commonly known as the potato famine where the terrorist group, the Irish, had changed their diet and make their most common meal the humble potato. This occurred till the potato's stood a protest against the intake of potato's by reducing their birth rate , this caused the terrorist group to reduce in size and become less dependent on potato kind.

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