Chapter 8

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I started writing this about 3 years ago and then I kind of got writers block and stopped writing. About a year ago, I started looking back at my stories and I realized that this one needed some work, or at least the ending did. At the time, I didn't really have the motivation to rewrite this but now I do. So, I am now rewriting this story's ending. Hopefully you all like it :)

I am not doing much to the prologue through chapter 7, other than editing them a little, so they are basically the same.

I rewrote this entire chapter and I will be writing more chapters and trying to update them as often as I can but it may be slow. Thank you so much for reading!


I wake up panting. What is going on? Why would I need to be careful?

"Hey, are you okay?" Sam asks as I look around sleepily.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where are we?"

"We're almost there," Jen says from the front.

"Just go back to sleep, Emma," Sam says as he pulls my head onto his shoulder. His shoulder is actually pretty comfy so I don't mind leaning on it. I drift in and out of sleep as we keep driving.

I must have fallen asleep again because the next time I wake up, the world is swaying and I can see Sam's face looking down at me.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Carrying you, what does it look like?" He responds.

"I do have legs, you know."

He smirks. "Yeah, but this is so much more fun."

"And how do you figure that?"

Jen laughs from somewhere near-by. Looking over Sam's shoulder, I can see her carrying Matt. "Just be careful, okay kids?"

"Yeah, mom," Sam replies.

"Be careful with what?" I ask.

Sam just smiles at me. "You'll see."

Jen takes Matt into the house and Sam keeps carrying me around it. "Okay, Sam, seriously, where are we going?"

Sam starts to run. I feel water splash around us as we fall into the pool.

I come up sputtering. "What was that for?"

Sam just smirks. "You were tired and I figured you needed to wake up."

I splash him. "That does not mean that you should throw me into the pool!"

He shrugs. "Okay, race ya back to the house!"

"You are so on!"

We swim to the edge of the pool and hop out together. Sam reaches the door before me. He leans down to whisper in my ear. "I beat you."

"Not yet." I say as I slip past him and into the house.

"Hey!" Sam shouts as we run into the kitchen.

Jen laughs. "Hold it right there, you two."

We both freeze where we are. Jen tosses a towel at both of us. "Dry off and get to bed."

I kind of freeze a little. Go to bed where?

"Emma, hun, I already called your aunt and she said that it's fine if you stay the night. You can sleep in Sam's room. Sam, you can sleep on the couch."

"But mom-" Sam starts.

"No buts. Now, Sam, make sure Emma gets something to wear to bed. Goodnight." Jen says as she walks up the stairs.

"Aye aye, captain!" Sam says as he salutes her retreating back.

I can hear Jen laughing all the way up the stairs.

"Come on," Sam says, grabbing my hand and dragging me to his room downstairs.

When we get to his room, I plop onto his bed and just lay there. Sam throws a shirt at me and it lands on my face.

"Thanks," I say, though it's muffled by the shirt that I'm too lazy to take off of my face.

Sam chuckles. "Okay, Lazy-butt, you're soaking my bed.

I grin, though he can't see it. "Didn't your mom ban you to the couch?"

Sam lifts the shirt off of my face and leans over me. "We both know that we're going to end up sharing the bed anyway, why make me go all the way to the couch when I can just stay here?"

I laugh a little, "Fine, do you want the bathroom first or do you want me to take it?"

"You can," he says as he backs up and starts taking his shirt off. "You'll take longer anyway."

"Hey!" I say, hitting him with his shirt as I make my way to the bathroom. "You don't know that."

He laughs a little. "Yes, I do."

"You can't be sure," I say as I close the door.

"I can too."

"Cannot," I say though the door as I peel my soaked clothes off and pull on Sam's shirt.

"I'm already done." Sam says as I open the door.

"Well so am I."

Sam gets up from where he was laying on his bed and walks towards the bathroom. As he slides past me, I notice that he's not wearing a shirt. Well, this is going to be awkward.

He picks up a toothbrush and I awkwardly stand there. He laughs a little. "I've got some extra here," he says, handing me an orange toothbrush.

"Thanks." I say as we proceed to brush out teeth in silence.

After we're done, we walk out to his bedroom and plop down on the bed.

"You tired?" Sam asks.

"No," I reply as I yawn.

He laughs quietly, "Of course not."

I smile when he pulls me closer to him as we lay on our sides. I feel his breath on my hair. "Your hair is in my face."

"Actually," I correct him, "Your face is in my hair."

He sighs and I can feel the gust of air on my head. "Well, it's annoying me."

"Too bad," I reply as I move my head around to put more hair in his face.

"Okay, dork," he says as he flips me over so that I'm facing him.

"Hey!" I say, pushing him lightly on his chest.

He smiles. "Well, that wasn't very nice."

I laugh a little as he holds my wrists in his hands. "Good night."

"Yeah," he replies as I snuggle into his warm chest.

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