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You and your daughter Seo Yoon walked down the snowy field. You put flowers down on the stone and you both stood there is silence.

"So Mom, how did you and Dad meet?" she asked.

"Oh honey! I've told you this story before," you chuckled.

"I want to hear it again and I bet Dad wants to hear it too," she said.



Your friend dragged you to this party her cousin was hosting. You really didn't want to go. But she made you.

You brought a book with you so you wouldn't be lonely. You went and sat down to read it. There were people laughing and drinking. Everyone was haveinv a good time while you just wanted to sleep.

"Ok!!! Who's first to be put under the mistletoe?" Asked this lady and people were crowding around.

"Y/N!!! She wants to!" Yelled your friend. You looked up to see two people and your friend drag you toward the mistletoe.

"Please don't let meee!!" you tried to get free. But the pushed you towards the center.

"Who's the lucky guy?!"

"He is!" Yelled these group of friends. They pushed this...really really good looking guy with beautiful hair in front of you. He was way out of your league.

"Hi...I'm Jeonghan," he smiled awkwardly.

"I'm Y/N," you returned the same awkward smile.

"Well I'm not getting any younger, hurry up and kiss!" said a middle aged lady.

Everyone started chanting kiss.

The handsome man in front of your grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a kiss. He tilted his head to deepen it. You held his cheeks as you kissed back. It was happening so fast. You didn't realize that there were people there. You forgot, it was as if it was just you and Jeonghan. But then it ended. Jeonghan pulled alway. His cheeks were red. So were yours.

"Yay!!!!!" everyone cheered.

"Who's next!!!" people were saying a searching for the next victims.

"I was wondering if we can exchange numbers," Jeonghan rubbed the back of his neck.

"Urm yeah!" you said.

You both entered each other's phone numbers. Soon you both starting to date. Then one day he proposed and you said yes. Then you had Seo Yoon and she is a young woman visiting her father.

*End of flashback*

"...and that's our story."

"I hope I find true love like you found Dad and like how Dad found you," Seo Yoon said.

"Honey don't worry you will find someone amazing," you hugged her.

You put flowers on the stone and brushed off the snow.

"Now it's time to head back, say goodbye to your father," you said.

"Bye Dad!" she bent down, kissed her hand and then put it on the stone.

You both headed off to get some hot chocolate.

Thanks so much for reading!!!!!!!!! Ilysm <3 The part twos will be coming up soon.


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