Chapter 2

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Later that day Jaebum once again went over the application. He had told Jackson and Yugyeom that he would like to hire him. Why? Because he wanted to take revenge for all the trouble he and his best friend had to go through when they were younger.

Jaebum was aware that Youngjae never said anything to him nor did he harm a single hair but Jaebum couldn't help the sting of pain in his chest whenever he remembered the disgusted looks he received from his first love or how he just watched the others beat Jaebum up. That hurt more than the punches.

His two best friends didn't like the idea, they said it would just bring up bad memories. Both of them yelled at him that he was an idiot for just thinking about hiring Youngjae.

Jaebum probably was but he couldn't bring himself to care.

What if Youngjae recognizes him? Jaebum thought.

He didn't think about that. Hastily he searched for his phone which was in his pocket. As he found it he studied himself in the camera.

He changed a lot in those nine years, he had to admit. Back in highschool he was a lot chubbier and wore thick framed glasses that nearly covered his whole cheeks. But now he had a well built body and contacts.

He ran a hand through his hair. That was one thing he changed too. As a teenager he always let it fall over his forehead. He thought it would help to hide himself. Stupid, right?

But nowadays Jaebum slicked his hair back and also dyed it black.

"No," he said, "he won't recognize me."

"What about your name, you freaking idiot?"

The voice startled Jaebum who dropped his phone on the floor. He didn't bother picking it up and turned towards Jackson and Yugyeom, both stood at the doorway. They looked extremely angry and disappointed, something Jaebum never liked.

"I don't think he'll remember it. I mean, my nickname back then was faggot", Jaebum tried to lighten the mood up with the joke but only got a hard slap on his shoulder from Yugyeom. The younger had sprinted towards him as soon as he said the f-word.

"Damn it Yugyeom, that hurt!" The eldest muttered while he rubbed the sore spot. He was sure a red bruise would form.

"It better did!", Yugyeom was practically shaking with anger and Jackson pulled the younger into a hug. It didn't last long before the taller male freed himself from Jackson's grip and ran out of the office after he threw one last look at Jaebum.

"What's going on?", Jaebum asked concerned, he didn't like seeing Yugyeom upset although this time it was his own fault the younger was.

Jackson rolled his eyes as he sat down in front of Jaebum.

"What do you think, idiot?"

"Hey! I'm still your boss, show some respect."

Jackson ignored him.

"Do you think you were the only one that suffered the last year of highschool? Can you imagine how hard it was for Yugyeom and me to see our best friend get beaten up more or less every single day?"

Jaebum opened his mouth to say something but he thought it would be better to let the blond continue.

"You don't know how often I had to comfort Yugyeom when he was crying because the poor boy couldn't handle seeing you shutting yourself off from us. Heck, even I cried a few times but I had to be strong for Yugyeom. I know you suffered the most of us but don't you dare thinking for just one second that you were the only one", his voice cracked a little.

"That's why we don't want to see Youngjae or anyone of his old friends again but I know our opinion won't change your mind. You're too stubborn. So please just be careful when you hire him", Jackson mumbled the last parts and stood up, again ignoring Jaebum's attempts to say something.

Before he left the office Jackson turned around once again.

"It might take a while for Yugie to calm down but just know that we will always be here for you when you need us."

As soon as the door shut Jaebum wiped away the single tear that ran down his cheek while Jackson told him all that. He knew both of them suffered but never imagined it to be so bad.

The fact that Yugyeom and Jackson cried only made Jaebum hate Youngjae more.

He would hire Youngjae, yes, but only to make him pay.

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