Chapter 3

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The next day Yugyeom gave Jaebum the cold shoulder.

"Good morning!"
No response.

"How are you?"
No response.

"Have you eaten yet?"
No response.

"You can't ignore me forever."
No response.

It got so frustrating that Jaebum decided to lie on the other's desk and distract him so the younger would have to at least look at him. He jumped on top of Yougyeom's papers and chose to ignore the mean he look he received.

"Draw me like one of your french girls", Jaebum whispered.

Yugyeom cursed himself for smiling at that but Jaebum looked too stupid in this position. When he saw Jaebum falling down his desk because he had wiggled his butt a little too far back, he couldn't help but laugh till tears streamed down his face.

"Oh my god! Are you alright?", he asked although it was hard to understand since he wouldn't stop laughing.

Jaebum groaned from the floor and tried to sit up, that's when he noticed how his body hurt from the fall and decided that the floor was strangely comfortable all of a sudden.

"Will you talk to me again?", he asked a few seconds later and Yugyeom got silent.

"Pretty please?"

"Damn it alright", the younger sighed and stood up to help Jaebum.

"Thank you", Jaebum smiled. Yugyeom chuckled at his disheveled appearance and pushed Jaebum's hair back in place.

A loud squeal made both of them jump.

"You talk to him again!" Jackson screamed before he remembered that there were other people on Yugyeom's floor.

"Yes he does", Jaebum squished the younger's cheek only to have his hand smacked away.

"Anyways!", the loud blond clapped his hands together, "Yugyeom, daddy long legs will be here any minute so you better go and get him before I do."

"Daddy long legs?"

Yugyeom sent Jackson an evil look before he explained to Jaebum what they were talking about.

"We researched the Bhuwakul guy and damn he got some fine legs, also according to his Facebook relationship status he's single", he winked.

Jackson agreed. "If Yugyeom hadn't called dips first I'd be the one interviewing him but now that lucky bastard will do it."

"You guys are unbelievable", Jaebum shook his head.

"We know", both said in unison.

"If you excuse me, I'll go and see him now", Yugyeom informed them and walked out of his office to get to the lift.

"You gonna interview Youngjae too or have you already hired him?"

Jaebum was surprised by how straight forward Jackson was. Probably the only time he was straight.

"He'll come here in half an hour and yes I'll interview him."

Jackson nodded, "Don't forget your meeting with Mr Pak."

Jaebum groaned, he was so busy thinking about the interview that he totally forgot about his appointment.

"When is that again?"

"In three hours", with that Jackson went his own ways, saying that he had to prepare something for a presentation.

Jaebum took the lift to his office floor and decided to go through Mr. Pak's file while he waited for Youngjae.

Mr. Pak wanted them to promote his newest soap and body lotion and it wouldn't be difficult considering that it was a very popular brand.

Before he knew it a knock on his door could be heard.


He fixed his tie and hair before he told him to come in.

The door opened with a small screech and Youngjae grimaced at the sound.

"Good Morning, it's nice to meet you", he said and bowed.

"Take a seat", The other mentioned to an empty chair.
Youngjae nodded and did as told.

Jaebum used the time to study Youngjae a bit. The other didn't change much except that his hair was now light brown.

They shook hands and Jaebum flinched as he moved because his back still hurt from his extremely graceful fall.

„Are you alright?", Youngjae asked with concern.

"Yeah, I just fell off a desk today", Jaebum explained but the minute he said those words he realized how weird it sounded.

"It wasn't my table", he tried to make it better but obviously it didn't work.

"Okay", Youngjae nodded awkwardly.

Jaebum coughed and took Youngjae's application in his hands.

"Have you ever worked for a PR agency?"

"Yes I have, two years to be precise."

"Why did you leave?"

The other visibly tensed up which only made Jaebum more curious.

"I would prefer not to talk about it but I can assure you that it had nothing to do with the way I did my work."

The answer wasn't very satisfying but Jaebum didn't want to push it.

"We'll see, why do you want to work here?"

The questions went on and on for the next hour. Jaebum was glad Youngjae seemed completely oblivious as to who he was.

After the interview Jaebum told Youngjae that he would give him a chance and the man smiled brightly before he thanked him repeatedly.

The smile was the one thing Jaebum loved the most back then, the thing he would look forward to see every day. How it made him happy whenever he had the chance to see or hear a small laugh from the other.

Now he felt nothing at all.

As Youngjae got ready to leave he faced Jaebum again.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but have we met before? You seem familiar."

The other stopped what he was doing and slowly looked up at Youngjae, a fake smile gracing Jaebum's face.

"No, I don't think we have."

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